Going off plan is no good 😣

Aug 30th '15 22:21 PM
Hi all I've been off plan all weekend as my parents visited yesterday and my ten year anniversary with my husband today. And we celebrate by eating that's what we do so we brought all this delicious food and ate it and this evening I'm feeling awful like a food hangover.
I need too Change my behaviour my body no longer likes super rich naughty food but if I eat it I crave more regardless of how I feel once i give in.
I feel super annoyed with myself naughty food is like an old lover I cant let go of cant move on from I fall back into these old habits so easily but my body now is used too lots of fruit and veg low fat etc my heart and head are in too different places I need too start thinking that being healthy is fun as you feel so much better when you eat well.

How did you all move on from old habits to unlocked a healthier brighter you? I want too change but old habits die hard
Aug 30th '15 22:35 PM
I'm sorry you're feeling rubbish Hun. I know exactly what you're going through as you've seen in my diary! I'm exactly the same and I was going on and off plan more than a light switch gets switched on and off.
Then suddenly it just clicks and I'm back on it. I don't know what happens, but something just twigs in my head and I don't deter from plan. Granted this weekend I've had a bit of a blip, but I got back on it today.

What do you use your syns on on an average day? Do you use them for sweet treats? What about making sure you have some chocolate or something everyday. Nothing huge, maybe a freddo or something similar that's about 5 syns to keep the sweet tooth at bay? Just make sure you don't deprive yourself of something if you want it.
Aug 31st '15 00:13 AM
I know the feeling Mummybear! Today was my nieces 4th birthday party, I knew there would be a huge spread so I made a huge tub of salad for everyone. I had a big filling plate to resist temptation, then sat and watched everyone eating the buffet food. It only took a couple of nudges from people and I was up by the sausage rolls quicker than you could say 'SYNS' haha

I'm feeling disappointed and thought it's okay I'll stop now and get back on plan, next minute I was home with a slab of minion cake and a cuppa. I suppose years of bad eating won't just become a distant memory. I'm hoping that I'll keep the strength and will power now to think - Actually I feel really sick and it wasn't really worth it. Then jump straight back on plan, I just keep telling myself I can't keep doing this 'diet' malarkey forever and I want so much to be slim, happy and healthy.

Keep your chin up
Aug 31st '15 09:16 AM
Thank you ladies
Sarah my lovely I use my syns too make things a bit better I use oil rather than spray light I have a bit of mayo on my dinner or hummus I have some sunbites or ryvita minis some clover on my bread etc. I try too keep syns for a pudding also I have most of my syns everyday too.
Lyndsey hun I totally get what you are saying about changing the bad habits it won't change over night its just darn hard when you want too be so much better but the old pull of cake crisps or something else pulls you back.
I need too break the cycle thanks again
Aug 31st '15 09:44 AM
Slimming World isn't a diet. It's healthy eating. You can still have the 'bad' things, we just need to moderate them.
Slimming World helps to change our relationship with food, and let's face it, if we're on SW, we don't have the best relationship with food when we first join!

The only thing I can suggest mummy is just keep persevering. You will get there, it just takes time. We're all here to support you too
Aug 31st '15 09:51 AM
I'm totally with you Mummybear. We're all here for one reason, our love of food! And old habits won't get changed overnight. I went off plan on holiday and felt so ill for it. I was so glad to get home and back on the wagon. But I still binge now and again because it's so ingrained in me to love sweet treats. But I think eventually those times get less frequent and our love of the healthy foods takes over. Keep going. A few blips is not the end of it and we do learn from our mistakes, especially if it makes us feel bad.
Aug 31st '15 17:47 PM
Thank you all I've had a better day today but not great I skipped brekkers because I didn't want any felt sick had mug shot and Ryvita minis for lunch and for tea I had cheesy Quorn fillets and salad and roasted veg cous cous., I've planned out tomorrow so I'm hoping for a better day x
Sep 8th '15 23:03 PM
I completely agree with Sarah, you really have to persevere. I've given up so many times over the last few years, and although I'm still struggling this time, I'm not giving up ! I have moments when eating chocolate in moderation just doesn't cut it, and I feel I have to overindulge/binge, but I always feel worse for it afterwards. I'm keeping going though. It might take me forever to lose even a few pounds, but I'm not giving up because I want my relationship with food to change, and I want to be healthy and happy. Its great that we can all support each other on here. I hope you have some better days soon Mummybear12
Sep 13th '15 14:07 PM
The thing you need to drum in is you can have the odd day off that's what flexi syns are for. So u can enjoy the odd day off keep control and get back on the wagon. What your not doing is telling yourself before hand that today is a flexi syn day tomorrow back on plan. I think if you were able to change that original mindset it would help you massively. You have your night out or your meal but before and after u use ur normal syns. You haven't failed by having a treat for one day which is where I think your mind Is taking you so then it continues and continues
Sep 13th '15 15:24 PM
Hi pickledegg thanks for your in put Im completely off plan at the moment I'm not very well full of cold thanks toddler group 😒 I've had lots going on I have hypothyroidism and an endo I saw recently wanted me off my levo but after 8 weeks of coming off low and behold I do have it so now my meds are increasing and I feel awful again. Add too that I've just found out I have iron deficiency anaemia and low b12 so all in all feeling too run down too give a stuff. 😢