Can anyone tell me MORE information?

Aug 13th '15 14:51 PM
Hi there. I've done Slimming World before and been successful (never been to the classes, just followed the basic stuff through the books and online info). I'm starting up again after being lazy for quite a long while and putting back on a lot of the weight I lost. I just have a few questions that I'm not sure about, like I say I know the basics, for example red days, green days, extra easy days, healthy extras, syns etc... but there are are a few things that I need confirming... I just like to make sure I'm doing everything proper

1. Are you really supposed to use up all your healthy extras and syns? I know they're there to be used up, but if I have 4 healthy extras full in a day (2 from A and B), and then have 15 syns out of 15... will that still help me to lose weight? Or would you suggest slightly under the limits of that?

2. I need to know more about speed/superspeed foods and all that kinda stuff because that's something I never really took notice of before when I probably should have... like, do you HAVE to have a certain amount of speed/superspeed foods a day, or is it simply all down to your own choice? I know superspeed foods obviously speed up weight loss and stuff. But you don't HAVE to eat superspeed foods right? Confused about this, lol.

3. Should I refrain from ordering takeaways that are full of meat, like kebab/mixed grill etc? I've done this before because I thought I'd be okay with stuff like that on a red day, because hey it's just meat, but is it the right thing to do? Plus there will be syns from the oil they use in the meal, right? Should I just stick to stuff I know?

4. I'm pretty sure it's a fact that, say, if you're eating a chocolate bar, you can tell how many syns it would be by changing the calories into syns, for example every 20 calories is 1 syn. I heard that it doesn't work that way for savoury foods though, is that correct?

5. And finally, I am particularly fond of extra easy days. I eat a lot of meat with beans, etc, and I obviously am allowed pasta on the same day too. I don't mind having one healthy extra less from both A and B. But do extra easy days definitely work, especially if you have them quite a lot? Just seems weird to me, I always thought the reason red and green days worked was because you weren't combining the two types of foods which was the reason for losing weight. But maybe not?

Sorry for the long post... but if anybody could give me some good answers to these curious questions I would be very grateful. :P I'm just very careful that I'm not doing anything wrong... when I diet, I take it very seriously.
Aug 13th '15 16:07 PM

Tbh, your questions can't be answered quite straight forward without it leading to more questions. I've been on the plan since September last year and some of what you say doesn't sound familiar, so I'm guessing it's been quite a long time?

1) x1 Healthy Extra B and x1 Healthy Extra A a day on Extra Easy, the plan promoted for all members regardless of whether you're a vegetarian or not. Green days and red days aren't promoted anymore. They're there to be used and it's advisable to take them. Syns is up to you, between 5-15.

2) 1/3 of every meal to be speed food. Advisable to snack on speed foods too for better weight loss. I may be wrong, but I don't think super speed is a thing, which suggests the answer to your question about having to eat "superspeed" is no.

3) If it's within your syns, then no problem. Ideally we'd eat 1/3 of our takeaways as speed, but that's unlikely, so stick to syns. At the back of the new member packs, there is a mini directory on the main syns, and there's takeaway syn values too. If you're not a paying member so can't access syns online, maybe the Food Directory 2015 is better for you, it's a huge book.

4) Yeah with chocolate, it's usually 20 calories = 1 syn. Same with other junk like crisps, nuts. If the syn value isn't listed online or in the Food Directory, there's a calculator which works out the syns per portion when you input nutritional info, and free food (e.g. meat, rice, noodles) in that portion.

5) Again, I'm guessing this is before I joined. The whole plan is extra easy, so every day would be an extra easy day. They have something called Extra Easy SP, which has replaced green/red days, and success express.

I'd recommend just getting the new books, the plan sounds like it might have changed quite a lot compared to when you last did it?
Aug 13th '15 16:09 PM
1. Yes. The heathy extras are to make sure you get enough fibre and calcium in your day. Always use all your healthy extra limit. As for the syns, you don't have to use all 15, they recommend up to 15 to stop those feelings of deprivation. Try using 5-7, and if you want more, go for it
2. You should fill 1/3 of your plate (minimum) with speed/super speed foods at each meal.
As for takeaways, steer away from donner meat, that's loaded with syns. If you have a chicken kebab, allow up to 25 syns just for the pitta/naan. There will be oils used to cook the meat, so up to 6 syns for that at a guess (it's 6 syns per tbsp). A mixed grill won't be too bad, the sausage would be synned, and allow for some syns for oils.
4. Yes that is right, 1 syn per 20 calories for any food that does not have a fee food as it's very first ingredient. It's a good guesstimate at least. And always round up, so if something is 94 calories, count 5 syns. Better to overestimate than under.
5. EE absolutely works. That's how I initially lost all my weight. They've now changed the plan and they only have EE. Plenty of people do red/green still, but the new members only get EE info.

Hopefully I've helped! let me know if you need anymore info. I've been a member for years so I've got all the 'older' info to refer to also
Good luck!
Aug 13th '15 18:46 PM
Hi and welcome
You've had good answers I'm sure if you get the start up books and really read them you'll have a better idea of how to proceed. As you've found it works before I'm sure you'll find it works again. Hope you enjoy the board and find a journal or the challenges helpful.
Aug 13th '15 18:51 PM
Matt, only just seen your post (we must have replied at the same time ) and reuben is referring to the old SW plans. Rather than just having Speed and Protein foods, there were more categories like super speed, speed, etc.
a lot of people still follow the 'old' plans where Red and Green existed, because it's what worked for them. SW don't stop people from following these, the info is still on the website, although it's not obvious.
Your answers are right, the essentials of the plan haven't changed (healthy extras, using syns, 1/3 of plate being speed, etc) it's just some of the terms that have changed (super speed being the main one)
Aug 13th '15 19:34 PM
Quote by reubenjones:
Hi there. I've done Slimming World before and been successful (never been to the classes, just followed the basic stuff through the books and online info). I'm starting up again after being lazy for quite a long while and putting back on a lot of the weight I lost. I just have a few questions that I'm not sure about, like I say I know the basics, for example red days, green days, extra easy days, healthy extras, syns etc... but there are are a few things that I need confirming... I just like to make sure I'm doing everything proper

1. Are you really supposed to use up all your healthy extras and syns? I know they're there to be used up, but if I have 4 healthy extras full in a day (2 from A and B), and then have 15 syns out of 15... will that still help me to lose weight? Or would you suggest slightly under the limits of that?

2. I need to know more about speed/superspeed foods and all that kinda stuff because that's something I never really took notice of before when I probably should have... like, do you HAVE to have a certain amount of speed/superspeed foods a day, or is it simply all down to your own choice? I know superspeed foods obviously speed up weight loss and stuff. But you don't HAVE to eat superspeed foods right? Confused about this, lol.

3. Should I refrain from ordering takeaways that are full of meat, like kebab/mixed grill etc? I've done this before because I thought I'd be okay with stuff like that on a red day, because hey it's just meat, but is it the right thing to do? Plus there will be syns from the oil they use in the meal, right? Should I just stick to stuff I know?

4. I'm pretty sure it's a fact that, say, if you're eating a chocolate bar, you can tell how many syns it would be by changing the calories into syns, for example every 20 calories is 1 syn. I heard that it doesn't work that way for savoury foods though, is that correct?

5. And finally, I am particularly fond of extra easy days. I eat a lot of meat with beans, etc, and I obviously am allowed pasta on the same day too. I don't mind having one healthy extra less from both A and B. But do extra easy days definitely work, especially if you have them quite a lot? Just seems weird to me, I always thought the reason red and green days worked was because you weren't combining the two types of foods which was the reason for losing weight. But maybe not?

Sorry for the long post... but if anybody could give me some good answers to these curious questions I would be very grateful. :P I'm just very careful that I'm not doing anything wrong... when I diet, I take it very seriously.
If you decide to do the green plan (which is what I do as I'm vegetarian), then it's pretty much the same as extra easy except you have your extra healthy extras and syn meat. You can still combine the healthy extras with free food like pasta etc.
Aug 13th '15 23:36 PM
Wow, I didn't realize how much things had changed! That'll be because I still have the old books from when my mum and sister used to go, and that was years back. Very surprised to hear red and green days are no longer promoted, but that's totally fine anyway as I find extra easy days, well, easy. :P I started Slimming World last year and got down from around 14.7 st to 11.8 at my lowest (I was aiming for 10 st at the time as that is supposed to be my ideal weight according to the BMI calculator!) Then when it was coming up to Christmas time I decided to just enjoy myself but never fully got myself back in the spirit of it, put a lot of the weight back on (still thinner than when I first started), but I want to take it seriously again now.

Thanks for all your answers, guys. Much appreciated.
Aug 13th '15 23:43 PM
No worries hun! Ask away if you need anymore advice... There's plenty of us around to help

Good luck! x
Aug 13th '15 23:44 PM
And well done on the previous loss!
Aug 14th '15 00:05 AM
Hi there...

You've had lots of good answers already, but can I make a suggestion?

You might find it useful to go along and join a group, even if it's just for that first week, to collect all the new books and plan, and have a consultant talk you through the changes.

There's often vouchers come up in some of the women's magazines offering free joining up, so you could only have to pay the £4.95 on that first week. You don't even have to go back if you don't want to (although I personally have found that going to group and staying to group has helped me massively).

Anyway...just an idea to help you get hold of all up to date info you'll need x x