Struggling too stay on plan

Jul 7th '15 21:49 PM
I've managed too lose 4 lbs week before last stayed same last week and am struggling on plan today went crazy and binged I needed crackers and went mad on them plus other stuff. I seem too do ok for a little bit then I just lose interest and eat and because I think oh I've fluffed up now I may as well go crazy and I do. I wasn't even stressed today I just didn't want any more salad or fruit. I'm sorry for the ramble
Jul 7th '15 23:08 PM
Hey don't apologise! We've all been there... I have lots of times!
I think sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to get to our final target.
What about changing your way of thinking, instead of aiming for your final target, think in half stones. So aim for 7lbs less than what you are now.
Or think of changing one thing at a time food wise. Eg, change breakfast. And then after a few days/a week, change something else. Or add exercise to your day, a 15 minute walk each lunch time, or swimming a couple of times a week.
Try to think small targets rather than the overall picture.
I only suggest it because that's what I've done. My aim is to reach that 12st mark, and then I'll aim for something else once I've achieved it. Otherwise I internally panic and binge because I think I can't do it, and then I ruin it for myself.

Hope you get back on track Hun x
Jul 8th '15 08:58 AM
Thank you I think you are right im internally going wrong like I keep thinking I've blown it now what's the point in carrying on. And some times I'm sick of fruit and salad and get too a point I think oh one packet of crisps wont hurt and just Doing that seems too change my thinking and I start the binge. I keep thinking maybe I just cant do this as I go round and round losing 5lbs then putting it back on. I just feel I'm not getting anywhere 😔
Jul 8th '15 12:48 PM
You can do it. And you will.

I was in the same position as you a few months ago, I kept starting the week really well, but then I would end up going completely off track Thursday onwards. Only to start again Monday.
I don't know what made it click this time round, but something just did. The only problems I've had the last few weeks is my nights out at the weekend... I can't seem to stay on just spirits and diet mixers lol
Jul 11th '15 10:05 AM
Mummybear, im just so much like you, I joined up with SW on 1st june and so far lost 5 1/2 pounds, I really do take the "fill up on free food " to the extreme , my plate is piled high most evenings with salad and veg, and for pudding fruit, fruit and more fruit !
Then in between I have a way of thinking, oh havent I been good , I will have that bit of french stick with cheese, or oh a bit of ice cream (clotted cream one mind !) wont hurt..
I then stand on the scales at home the morning after and lo and behold 1 or 2 pounds up !!!!
I then think..oh I cant be ars*d with this and have a bad day eating all the wrong food, feel really rubbish
and bloated then start all over again !
Its a nightmare as I know I need to write things down, stay to meetings etc...but sometimes life gets in the way and im lazy too !
Sorry for the rambling rant too, but mummybear just wanted to tell you youre not alone .
Jul 11th '15 11:00 AM
Hi poppy thank you for sharing how things are for you. Thing is I've got alot of weight too lose so should get on board the sw train really I should I'm starting again Monday x