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Self Sabotage

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' Forum started by TeaBag, Feb 23rd, 2015 at 18:31 PM.
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Feb 23rd, 2015, 18:31 PM  
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: NI
Posts: 7

Self Sabotage

I have successfully in the past lost over 4 stone with Sw but due to illness and medications i have put half back on i really need to get my weight loss moving again but i feel so sore so low and just cant get it in to my head my WI day is a Tuesday and each week i say this is it thats me and i fail i just feel like jacking it all in but theres an inner voice saying don't do it that's the same wee voice that says eat this sure tomorrows a new day sorry for going on but it is all getting on top off me
Feb 24th, 2015, 18:26 PM  
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Here!
Posts: 5,930

Well done on losing that 4 stone, you have proved to yourself you can do it!! I did the same ... lost just over 4 stone in 2013 and put at least 1 half stone back on in 6 months when I was completely off exercise and eating good was hard for many reasons, excuses I won't bore you with.

It's been hard getting back on especially exercise but I had to remember how I felt vs how I felt now and I needed the part of me back I had worked so hard for not to mention the clothes that I have popped out of!

Remember all the positive things and remember you just need to bring some control back to your eating habits and once you get there you can enjoy good food and indulge in the things you like without all the guilt... we have to live too.

How did you get on today?
Feb 25th, 2015, 08:08 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Manchester, UK
Posts: 255

Hi. Congrats on the initial weight loss. I read an article, well many articles, about distraction techniques. As someone who used to self medicate with pizza, one I've found that really helps is the same one I use to avoid doing housework and exercise The I will do it .. but later. Yep I am going to get a takeaway but I'll just finish this movie. As long as you don't commit your brain to specifics you can procrastinate for ever. Appease that voice with vague promises. I'm just going to eat this piece of fruit as I have not decided what pizza I'm going to order later. The takeaway is open for another 2 hours there no rush yet. Ah its closed well I can always do it tomorrow.
Use every dirty trick you've got. Remember how people used to say don't eat that it will ruin your tea. If you feel like you are tempted by something just grab a bowl of porridge or a jacket spud. If you do cave in you will struggle to eat as much. It only takes a week or so of healthy eating before your body tells you. Wow I really fancy an apple instead of that fully loaded cheeseburger. Especially if you do a short burst of some of the diets that eliminate cravings like Harcombes or juice fasting etc... Damn it thought to hard about that fully loaded cheeseburger .. gonna struggle putting that off all day

One thing have just started looking at is :

looks kinda fun and might help with the self sabotage. Just starting on the book. Hope you are doing awesome and we will all be stick thin and model like in no time

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