
Oct 29th '14 20:49 PM
Exercise is the best way for weight loss
Dec 4th '14 00:37 AM
Why not try work? I do lots of woodwork........ sawing, planing etc, and even when it is cold, I do break a sweat. In my workshop I also do wood turning and make a variety of things for the kitchen like a pestle and mortar that is larger and heavier than what you can buy in the shops. It has actually earned me my first body magic award! (bronze)
Dec 23rd '14 01:31 AM
I have used some of Jillian Michael's workouts, but on the Wii from the Biggest Loser game. It's a lot of fun and you really get a workout from it. Doing the workout for only a few minutes and I'm sweating like crazy! I haven't tried her 30 day shred DVD yet, maybe I'll try doing this after the holidays.
Dec 23rd '14 06:47 AM
There are lots of ways to turn things into a workout. Mopping, vacuuming, sweeping...house and yard work are two of my easiest cheats for a work out in warmer weather. I can imagine chopping wood in the winter would help you break a sweat!
Jan 3rd '21 12:23 PM
faye cheshire
Hi. I gave up the gym and did couch to 5k. Otherwise i walk.
During the first lockdown i dicovered the body project on u tube. Various abilities and duration and lots of choice
May 2nd '23 15:30 PM
5 Ideas for a Successful Exercise Schedule:

Choose an ability, body component, or muscle group to concentrate on. Even though it's crucial to increase your overall fitness, try beginning by concentrating on one or two specific body parts
Start out gradually
Set precise objectives
Establish some accountability
Reduce your own pressure