Not eaten enough

Jun 30th '14 19:15 PM

Today I've been good and had a girly day with my best friend. We've been our lunch and had a naughty cake but I'm boy hungry still and it's 7pm. Bird hardly eaten today what shall I do?

Breakfast; 30g honey nut shreddies and apple
Lunch: quiche and salad
Snack: cake and hot chocolate

I'm still not hungry. Should I eat?
Jun 30th '14 22:15 PM
I probably not the best to be listening to this week as I've been struggling myself What kinda thing you looking to eat? a proper meal?

How about an omlette? I've been keeping eggs on standby and filling like peppers, ham, tomatoes etc.

or how about one of those batchelors pasta sauce? they are very low syns I think
Jul 1st '14 06:23 AM
I think if you aren't hungry then there is no need to eat just for the sake of getting another meal in personally. I tend to wait until I am hungry and if not then I keep a salad or some chopped fruit handy just in case I get ravenous later then at least I have something to hand which is a healthy choice rather than scouring the lands for biscuits hehe.

Hope it went well and that you had a nice evening. xxx
Jul 1st '14 08:08 AM
If you're not hungry then I wouldn't eat just because it's a meal time. You might find that you make up for the missed meal the following day, but over the course of a week it should all even out
Jul 1st '14 08:58 AM
I wouldn't eat if not hungry unless I knew at 10/11 I'd be diving for convenient food so I'd eat something small and healthy.
Jul 1st '14 10:10 AM
Ahhh I miss read your post. I didn't see "I'm still not hungry". Ignore what I said Same as the others, if you aren't hungry then bonus
Jul 2nd '14 11:17 AM
Completely agree with others! Not hungry - do not eat) Envy you soooo much)) I am hungry most of the time(( Still fighting with old habits to eat big portions and 10 times per day;-))
Jul 3rd '14 08:21 AM
I'm sooooo sorry. I've just seen all the typos in my original question. There was no bird or boy present in my day. Lol

After about 8pm I decided to have a burger I ha made previously. But I don't have the bun just the burger and salad. My burger was made with lean mince, onion and grated courgette and carrot and I grilled it on my George Forman. I had it so I didn't get silly hungry about 10pm and could fill in my diary which was looking a bit sad that day.

Weigh in tomorrow but not holding out. The last fee weeks when I've weighed I felt as though i. May have lost a pound or two but not this week. I feel heavier. We shall see tomorrow.
Jul 3rd '14 08:38 AM
That sounds like a good choice

Good luck for your weigh in

Jul 3rd '14 08:39 AM
Good luck for weigh in! I'd have made myself eat too, I'd have been starving later and grabbed something rubbish to eat quickly!