Hospital food

Jun 19th '14 19:51 PM
It's my second weigh in tomorrow and I'm not excited about it. Week 1 was great, I lost 5lb. I know the loss will steady but think this week it will be a definite ++.

My daughter got rushed into hospital Tuesday morning and I've just got home. My week has consisted of greggs, microchips and low fat crisps. I did steal some fruit off the breakfast trolley but had to eat whatever I could. There was no restaurant at the hospital and greggs was all the choice.

Ah well, we do what we do!
Jun 19th '14 20:03 PM
Sorry to hear that your daughter was rushed into hospital. It sounds like you've had a tough week. I hope she is feeling better now

Hospital food can be very unhealthy. When I've been to the shops in the hospital it all consists of sausage rolls, crisps, chocolate etc. Any fruit available looks very shrivelled! It can be hard to stay on track when eating in a hospital. Good luck with getting back on track now that you're home though

Jun 19th '14 20:11 PM
Thanks. I've already started cooking my fish pie for tomorrow, I didn't want to waste the fresh ingredients I bought last Saturday. Luckily I managed to save some of it by freezing and will hopefully re use some in the next few days.

As I've not eaten at my house since Monday evening I was unsure what state the food was in- it's fine. It's me that feels bloated and different. Amazing considering I've just been doin SW a week
Jun 20th '14 06:40 AM
Hi Laura

Hope your daughter is much improved. It's such a worry.

Totally understandable you've been off plan, life sometimes happens and other things are more important than sticking to SW. I am sure if you do see a gain it will quickly come back off again. Best of luck with your weigh in, and try not to be too disheartened if it is a gain. It's getting back on it again when you can which counts in the end.

All the very best, and best wishes to your daughter.

Marie xxx
Jun 20th '14 08:25 AM
Hi all. Have weighed myself today and I have maintained the same weight. Well actually 0.4lb less. So technically a loss despite eating badly all week.
I'm pleased with that and I'm pleased with myself to trying to be as good as I could in the circumstances. I ate fruit when I could and looked for salad veg which surprised me.
I'm back on the train now for next week
Jun 20th '14 14:07 PM
That's great news Laura, I am really happy for you Best of luck for the next week xxx
Jun 20th '14 17:02 PM
Hey Laura! that is great result despite the fact of unhealthy food eating the whole week! I hope your daughter is doing good! Good luck to you for the next week!!
Jun 20th '14 17:04 PM
That's great that you ended up losing weight!