Wednesday Weigh-In

Nov 18th '15 12:03 PM
I would go and get weighed tonight, it might be a pleasant suprise - or might give you a little boost you need to get you along to the christmas do x
Nov 18th '15 12:15 PM
I know it won't be pleasant as I weighed at home this morning - I am also now wearing completely the wrong clothes so will be even heavier! I will make an effort to weigh on Saturday so I don't miss a week x
Nov 18th '15 18:44 PM
If you aim for Sarpturday you will have a few days to rein it back in and get your head into a bit more, I've got WI at half 7, I really don't want to go but I know myself too well and know that it's a slippery slope because then I won't have the routine each week. But everybody is different! And I always get changed into my lightest clothes before I go as well lol
Nov 18th '15 21:08 PM
Lost 1lb at weigh in and got my 1 and a half stone award
Nov 18th '15 21:35 PM
Well done Ernie!
And Slimmerchick, I hope you make it on Saturday. Dont give up just yet
Nov 18th '15 23:22 PM
Well done losers.
half lb is nothing to worry about AliCat a loo trip

Slimmer chick - I faced a gain this week too (a whopping 3lb). But honestly I think a gain / struggling is exactly when group is more important. I was considering a holiday for a week in December, but had great advice in the Tuesday thread that taking a gain on the chin and moving forward is better in the long run. I do think that is true, I had my gain recorded last night and am working hard to get rid of it now, it's much easier to stay motivated on my food since Sunday and knowing I'd have a gain.

Good luck - hope you can bring yourself to face the gain.And lose it soon!
Nov 19th '15 10:25 AM
Yay.... lost 3lb this week and gained my 1 and half stone award ...whoop whoop.

Hoping to get my Club 10 next week, its only 1.5lbs away, so gonna push for that.
Nov 25th '15 10:26 AM
I lost 1½lb this week. Hoping to make target next week
Nov 25th '15 22:50 PM
Well done Alicat I weighed tonight and lost a mere half lb, I was 3lbs heavier at evening weigh in than at home this morning, when I first started I would be 1.5lb heavier in the evening, I can't understand it!!

My weighed may be slow shifting but I'm definitely shrinking as the clothes I joined S W to slim into now fit me!!!
Nov 26th '15 10:35 AM
Well done Slimmerchick, it's still ½lb in the right direction! Maybe the extra evening weight is fluid retention or extra food that you'd eaten. It'll probably vary every week which is why it's best to just weigh at class and not at home x