Monday Weigh In

Nov 9th '15 23:13 PM
I'm desperate for my next sticker (my stone) but I missed weigh in tonight. Going to try another night this week!
Nov 11th '15 12:05 PM
1lb off for me this week! Happy enough with it to be honest, so here's hoping for more next week!

Good luck for WI Heather and that next sticker!
Nov 16th '15 07:00 AM
Only 1/2 off for me this week. I was disappointed but then counted how much alcohol had sneaked in this week and realised it's probably fair.

Good luck all x
Nov 16th '15 12:29 PM
4lb off for me today, and my 2st shiny award and slimmer of the week, feeling pleased, and surprised by that this morning, good luck everyone else.
Nov 16th '15 16:36 PM
Well done misslil and Louise

I'm not sure what'll happen tonight, can't decide if it'll be a loss or maintain!! I've been relatively good, although I went out on Saturday night and couldn't resist a few pints of lager instead of sticking to the Malibu like I should have, so probably a maintain is more likely for me lol
Nov 16th '15 22:39 PM
3.5lbs off for me this week (although that is 2 weeks worth). It means I got my stone!

4.5lbs to my club 10 award, the next in my sights
Nov 16th '15 22:44 PM
Well done losers!

Great going on your award Heather. Pleased for you, and a hop skip and jump to your club10! mine was forever away. lol
Nov 16th '15 22:47 PM
Well done Heather, that's brilliant!
Nov 17th '15 00:19 AM
Well done on all the losses, and for the shinies you received too!
Nov 17th '15 10:02 AM
Well done Heather!

1.5lb on for me, but it was basically expected so I've only got myself to blame!!