Needing motivation :(

Jun 7th '16 10:00 AM
Needs everyone's help today

I've been stuck on 19 stone 13 - 20 stone for about a month now. Still watching what I'm eating, doing about 4 mile walks a day and trying to get a little jog in too, but nothing's happening. Only thing I can think of is I've reduced my water intake, need to get back ontop of it but I have to force myself to drink!

There's no way I'd go back into my old ways as I have a completely different mindset about food now but just need a little encouragement today as this is really getting me down 😞

Due to start swimming tonight so hoping it'll make a big difference
Jun 7th '16 10:10 AM
I'm sorry you're feeling so down It's good that you've got that mindset about food, and that it's a positive one.

Do you keep a food diary of any form? If not, it might be worth starting to. It may help for you to write everything down each day and then when you get to a stage where your losses have tapered off, you can look over your foods and find out whether you have changed any foods or not, or whether yo've increased on eating the less healthy things.

I'd defo agree with the water intake - it's surprising how much of a difference it can make to your losses. You don't have to drink plain water - put some cordial in it to give it some flavour. I love the Robinsons cordials so I've got 3 different flavours of those and I change them regularly to make it less 'boring'

With regards to the exercise, how recently have you started with the walking/jogging? Do you feel achy afterwards at all?

Have you noticed your clothes feeling any looser? Sometimes we don't see the results on the scales, but we can see them in inches instead. It may be worth taking your measurements, and then repeat the process in a few weeks time to see if you've had any changes there. Because you're exercising, you may not be losing the pounds, but you may find that your dress size is changing.
Jun 7th '16 10:31 AM
Thanks for your support Sarah. I make sure I update my fitness pal everyday, I find it helpful because it automatically updates my step count too from my iPhone. Can't really see any change in what I'm eating which is why I'm finding it so frustrating. Has anyone found that
"that time of the month" affects their weight loss?

I was feeling achy after my walks when I first started (around March) but now I think my body's become used to it which is why I'm trying to jog a little and starting swimming. All just very frustrating 😫
Jun 7th '16 10:44 AM
TOTM can absolutely have an effect on losses. It can be the water retention with a lot of people, but it does have an effect on most.

Hmm, I was goign to suggest that the exercise could be having an effect on your losses - when you fell achy after exercising it's partially because you've created little tears in your muscles (not a bad thing!) and you get a fluid build up in your muscles whilst they repair themselves. This can have an effect on your losses, but it's always worth persevering with it because you want to tone things up to and increase your general fitness

Do you eat a lot of fruit and veg? Or do you not like it?
I know you're doing your own healthy eating plan rather than following something specific for now, but it might be worth increasing your fruit/veg intake with your meals. Try to aim for 1/3 of your plate being veg (not potatoes) or fruit where possible.
Jun 7th '16 12:57 PM
Hey, it takes a great amount of courage to change the status quo and mend your ways. It is so great that you have actually started doing something for it. What counts is that you have taken an initiative which is what makes all the difference.

Trust me, I am a chronic procrastinator so I understand the amount of courage and conviction it takes to put into action what you are thinking.

I hope with swimming and what sarah said above about vfruits and veggies, things will soon being to look up
Jun 7th '16 13:03 PM
Thanks everyone, having two big bags of veg instead of rice for my evening meal and swapped my usual bag of quavers for a pot of strawberrys and grapes at dinner.
Jun 8th '16 08:26 AM
Keep going, you will get there. Definitely increase your water intake, and try cutting out anything processed. If it's not food in its natural state, don't eat it! I've found this works so well for me, and I don't feel deprived at all. Good luck!
Jun 20th '16 00:48 AM
Hey, I recommend you start drinking water, the amazing health benefits H20 has to offer is just too good not to pass up. Also, since you have hit a weight loss plateau, you should increase your exercise routine. Do HIIT cardio (High intensity), sweat more and get your heart rate up. Do this and weight loss is inevitable. Good Luck!
Jun 21st '16 15:15 PM
Thanks everyone.
Have increased my water intake and with the added help of swimming 3x a week on top of my daily walk I've come down to 19st 6.2lbs so far. Not far until I'm down to 18 soon!
Jun 21st '16 22:32 PM
Emaline 30
Three times a week swimming should be great for getting things moving India.. hope your first one turned out well.
I've just found out the beneficial affect of plenty of water even though I'm not particularly partial to it either.
Looks like you're getting into the swing of things now so keep up the good work..