Eight O' Clock Coffee

Nov 9th '13 17:08 PM
I just wanted to give a review of Eight O' Clock Coffee on here because it's fantastic. We used to drink it where I grew up and I lost it for a while. Now, it's found and it's still a great company. The coffee isn't over roasted like a Char-bucks or anything. Very mild and medium, full body tasting Arabica beans without being too acidic or anything.

They have darker roasts too as well but I get the regular because that is what I like. Now, don't go drinking a whole pot by yourself! Sign up on their email list to get coupons and special offers as well.
Nov 10th '13 15:44 PM
I have bought Eight 'Clock Coffee a few times and it makes a decent brew. I bought the whole bean coffee which they had on sale a couple months ago. I am not really loyal to just one brand. If it's on sale, and a good price, I'll buy it. They have been around since the 1800s, so they must be doing something right.

Thank you, Avocado.
Nov 11th '13 12:36 PM
I have never heard of After Eight coffee before but it sounds gorgeous. I will have to try it
Nov 21st '16 15:12 PM
Thanks, I was just planning on getting it.