Microwaved sweet potato/yam

Oct 8th '13 16:20 PM
I love sweet potatoes and yams. It makes for a nice, light lunch.

I wash it really well and poke a few holes into it with a fork and microwave it (depending on the size) for 5-8 minutes. Sometimes I'll put a small bit of butter on before I eat it, but mostly I just sprinkle on a little salt and that's it. High in beta carotene and low in calories.

I prefer the orange ones much more than the yellow.
Oct 8th '13 16:27 PM
I do like potatoes, never tried sweet potatoes though ... I always have to crisp them in oven before serving up with a sprinkle of cheese, ham and cucumber!
Oct 9th '13 12:16 PM
Sweet potatoes don't taste much like a regular potato. The texture is different. I'd say they more resemble the flavor or a carrot crossed with a potato. Actually, that's not quite right either. You should try one!