Flavour cravings?

Sep 2nd '13 21:50 PM
Do you ever get a craving for a flavour that just doesn't exist in the more healthy snack ranges? I'm really partial to Walkers Smoky Bacon crisps, but I've yet to find a healthier option that really satisfies that bacon-loving spot in my brain.
Sep 2nd '13 22:23 PM
I just always crave crisps big time I found some bacon flavour popcorn in tesco the other week, dunno if it might taste similar?! It was in the foreign aisle with the American stuff! It's probably full of crap though, cos it was vegan, so probably all additives and stuff
Sep 3rd '13 01:02 AM
Sometimes i get so desperate i consider either licking the flavour off and leaving the crisps...or chewing them up.and spitting them out LOL
Sep 3rd '13 07:27 AM
it's the crunch of them I love! They're my main downfall, so I try and not buy them!
Sep 3rd '13 16:28 PM
Vanilla, almost anytime I think about sweets. This weekend I ended up having a little snack that came in the form of white chocolate. I have a feeling I might be doing a few extra workouts to make up for it.
Sep 3rd '13 16:51 PM
A little treat every now and again is good for you I'm craving chips big time today!
Sep 3rd '13 20:45 PM
Bacon flavoured popcorn?! I might keep an eye out for that, hopefully so long as it tastes okay, I wouldn't need to eat much of it to get that flavour 'hit'. That said, I did try bacon jam (yes, you read that right) a few months ago and it was absolutely disgusting. I guess the phrase "everything's better with bacon" doesn't ring true in every case...
Sep 3rd '13 21:33 PM
Bacon jam

I had a couple of chips, they were shit! Gutted!