This snack gets me everytime...

Feb 16th '14 20:24 PM
One of my biggest weaknesses is crackers. But not just any old crackers, it's those evil little Ritz crackers! They got high fructose corn syrup in them that make them taste so good! Pair that wit the buttery top and salt, fuh-getta-bout it!
Feb 16th '14 21:44 PM
I LOVE Ritz crackers! I think it's how salty they are but I just can't stop eating them once I start. They definitely are addictive!!
Feb 17th '14 16:48 PM
Ritz is what I use when I bake chicken, it just seems to taste better with them. I do not eat them as snacks anymore because I know how bad they are for me. I switched over to club crackers instead.
Feb 18th '14 01:48 AM
I don't like Ritz crackers. I love saltine crackers. I crave the salt! I even like to lick the cracker before I eat it. I told you I'm a salt fan! Give me something crunchy and salty and I'm set. I only eat Ritz crackers if I have cheese and pepperoni to put on top.
Feb 18th '14 02:27 AM
I like Ritz crackers as well, but I am not willing to jump off the wagon for them. I will eat them occasionally at get togethers, but that's about it. For every 5 Ritz crackers you eat, you are ingesting approximately 80 calories. The Keebler Club crackers aren't any better with 3 grams of fat and 70 calories in just 4 crackers. In comparison, you could eat a medium sized banana for roughly the same calorie count. It has way more nutrition and it's all natural.
Feb 18th '14 10:30 AM
There are so many crackers that I love, even Goldfish. I miss them when I take them out of my diet, so I end up just allowing for them in my daily calories, or finding ways to add them to my lunch.
Feb 18th '14 16:43 PM
Ritz does have a whole wheat cracker which is slightly better at 75 calories and 2.5 grams of fat for 5 crackers.

My very favorite are Carr's Table Water Crackers. The cracked pepper kind are especially good!
Feb 20th '14 04:19 AM
Oh, crackers. Triscuits and Wheat Thins were my favorites. I still get them on occasion, but not nearly as much as I used to years ago. There's nothing better with some hummus or tapenade.
Feb 20th '14 08:29 AM
Ooo I love ritz crackers! Apparently they've changed them over here though to make them healthier! I've not tried them since I heard that cos I bet they won't be the same.