Light Lunches Galore!

Jan 7th '14 17:42 PM
Here is a collection of light lunch recipes. I figured I would share these with everybody as I think there are some real winners in here. Not every one will tickle your fancy, but if you get 1 or 2 that you can enjoy for a while, it's worth it!
Jan 22nd '14 14:19 PM
I checked out the recipes at the link. Everything looks interesting but I'd have to tweak most of those recipes to my liking. You are right, there are a couple in there that I'd like to try and they've given me a few ideas. Thanks!
Jan 22nd '14 21:35 PM
They sound really good. I would never have guessed that some of them would be so low in calories!
Jan 23rd '14 01:09 AM
I looked through the recipes but most didn't sound like something we would typically make. I did like the sound of the country potato salad, though; I will have to try it!