I'm so close to the end now!

Feb 16th '16 16:39 PM
As some of you know I lost weight and put some back on during my house move which was long and draining as we hit a few brick walls... Anyway I needed to get back onto those jeans I had worked hard to reach not long before but with a different approach as people had commented I looked a bit gaunt in the face the first round, I had tried every 'diet' though . The way forward was more intense exercise and 3 training places later I am extremely happy.

I've hardly lost any weight although I do check but I am back to where I was in my clothes and a little bit more to my shape.

I would love a little more room in my clothes from fitness not weight loss but over all I am very happy even with my flaws (Mummy belly etc)

A dress is rare for me but for once although a simple outfit I was comfortable and found some old pictures from
the very start of my journey to compare #eek Have shared my latest pics

Attached Thumbnails
I'm so close to the end now!-dress1.jpg  

Attached Images
I'm so close to the end now!-compare1.jpg 
Feb 16th '16 17:28 PM
You look fabulous Wobbles!!
Feb 16th '16 19:50 PM
Well done seeing more than a number on the scales. Weights = lean muscle not flabby fat!

You're rocking your training and clearly rocking your clothes too!
Feb 16th '16 21:11 PM
You look FAB! You've done so well
Feb 17th '16 20:19 PM
you look amazing! well done
Feb 18th '16 09:28 AM
Thanks lovelies

Took me a while to get into that mode PurpleJ but it's sinking in more and more these days. Bottom of my belly is an issue but I didn't go to the size I did without causing problems so it's been a bit about accepting that now. x