Daily weighing no more!

Aug 6th '15 17:23 PM
We're going for a week PurpleJ. It's not going to be pretty when I get back! Planning on lots of walking but eating out every night is just too much temptation
Aug 6th '15 18:54 PM
well holidays are made to be exactly that, whatever you gain you'll lose again and no way (pun intended) will you gain all that you've lost so have a lovely time!
Aug 7th '15 10:06 AM
Well I DID weigh in this morning but that is because it's official weigh in day lol. I will definitely not weigh myself every day this next week as I really battled with myself this week.
Aug 7th '15 18:29 PM
How did you get on smithyboo?

Good luck not weighing this week. I really need to try harder, weighed again today and really playing on my mind as I'm on more anti-biotics so the gain I had the week before last is playing on my mind.
Aug 18th '15 09:32 AM
Just weighed the once when we got back off holiday but too ashamed to tell you all how much I'd put on. Official weigh day is tomorrow so hoping I might have lost a bit by then :-)
Aug 18th '15 23:01 PM
Dont' be ashamed you were on holiday and we're all the same, I'd have been off plan on holiday too. you don't have to share though either so don't feel guilty not sharing.

Hope you can move forward from tomorrows weigh in and know that you're only human. you've already got back on plan and you'll soon lose what you gained. It won't be 2 stone so you're still down in weight.

I'm not weighing at home anymore this week - I weighed tonight at group and am using that to keep me moving forward. I'd love to get into the 15 stone zone and REALLY want that to be something to celebrate in group. 100% on plan and I'll get there I'm sure if not this coming week then the next week.

So.... I'm going to have to be strong to avoid my home scales.
Aug 22nd '15 08:40 AM
Still haven't weighed since official WI on Wednesday. Come on peeps, it's actually really liberating!
Aug 22nd '15 10:22 AM
Well done! my week isn't going so well, will try not to weigh till Tuesday now.
Aug 22nd '15 22:07 PM
Think I'll get my husband to put them in the loft, on and off them everytime I go into bathroom
Aug 22nd '15 22:08 PM
sounds like a good plan

My daughter uses ours or I'd have hidden them by now

must try harder...