Lose 15kg by quitting sugar in 15 weeks

Mar 2nd '15 17:15 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm new to Social Slimmers. Was looking for somewhere I could find out how others are doing their diets, clean eating, fitness, and weightloss. Also somewhere I could post about my own efforts, to get constructuve criticism, and have some accountability if I cheat.

My main challenge over the last few years has been to try to find a sustainable diet. I've made some sustainable changes. I cut out all non-diet drinks, cordials and fruit juices. Most cakes and sweets. But now I still REALLY struggle with take aways (pizza), crisps, chocolate and processed foods in my cooking.

I'm hoping by quitting sugar I can cut the takeaways and junk and start cooking mindful of what I'm putting in.

So the idea is to avoid foods with more than 5g sugar per 100g. Any thoughts of this? I hope by doing this and getting more exercise I can lose about 15kg in 15 weeks. In 15 weeks I'll be moving from the (cold) UK to (hot) Malta and will be more comfortable and happy in my summer clothes!

I'm 5 foot 11 so I carry weight well, but I am overweight. I'm a size 12-14, I weigh about 83 kilos, which puts me at about 25.5 BMI.

Hoping to see those numbers drop in the next few weeks!

I started my sugarless cooking today with a prawn and butterbean curry. A small onion, some garlic, ginger, a small chilli, half a tin of butterbeans, ten medium prawns, garam masala, water and a chicken stock cube went into that.

Hope I'm on the right track. I'd love to hear any comments and suggestions, and look forward to looking through everyone else's post here!
Mar 2nd '15 18:47 PM
Hi missjennyeve,

Welcome to Social Slimmers!

I too look for foods I can continue eating, healthily! Crisps were my weakness and now I can happily leave them alone yet I wasn't a chocolate lover and now I can't have it I crave it

I took a detox from sugar, processed foods etc and it really helped me forward more but I don't avoid them 100%, I just try to most times. I struggle to give up my 2 sugar coffee but if that is my only syn then so be it, I can't give up everything I love.

Many of the recipes I have put up are clean.

Good luck once you get the hang of it you'll be flying, I'm always itching to try something new.
Mar 2nd '15 19:44 PM
Hi Wobbles!

Great, I'll go hunting for your recipes. Love swapping recipes, I'll have to get involved

I'm trying to cut sweeteners too. Getting rid of the 4 splendas in my tea is going to make me or break me!
Mar 3rd '15 11:54 AM
Oh yer please do ... I've been making protein bars recently because I've been given a food plan from my boot camp PT so I feel bored sticking to what seems like basics!

I honestly have no desire to cut out the sugar, I gave myself a hard time a couple of times but I love my coffee I just needed to reduce how many I had a day. I work from home so I'd finsih a coffee, get up make another ... round and round!
Nov 22nd '16 07:04 AM
Sugar is evil but I have a hard time cutting out on it. This is going to be some inspiration!
Nov 23rd '16 16:08 PM
How are you getting on with the no sugar Jenny? x
Aug 22nd '17 12:34 PM
Sugar is the main culprit when it comes to gaining weight. It's kinda hard to stop the craving if you've been habitual of eating chocolates and other sugar rich foods. I plan to cut sugar entirely from my diet routine.