Water challenge!

Mar 3rd '15 11:57 AM
I have happily been drinking more water some days not the 8 some days more and I have noticed this last couple of weeks my skin is clearer again
Jan 4th '19 15:25 PM
Does Water hurt your eyes? I find that when I drink a lot of Water My eyes tend to hurt/Feel tired
Jan 4th '19 16:23 PM
Erm no. Eyes can be effected if dehydrated but I've never heard of eye problems from hydration.

Is it normal tap water or is it very cold water? Wondering if it could be brain freeze.
Jul 7th '20 13:13 PM
Water does our minds and bodies so many good things. I try and drink as much as I can but try and avoid before I go out as I always need a wee

Sep 23rd '20 12:07 PM
I’m terrible for drinking enough but I travel in my car a lot and I would constantly be stopping for a pee so I drink as little as I can then when home if I drink too much I will be awake during the night!
Sep 28th '20 12:43 PM
Oh gawd I am exactly the same needing a pee a lot and I can’t drink too much in work during the day for the same reason.

I am trying harder at home though and drinking peppermint teas instead of coffees!
Mar 25th '21 10:55 AM
I also have such a water tracker, only on my phone. I constantly forget to drink water, especially at work. Or I only drink tea and coffee. Thanks for this cute tracker, I'll try to follow it.
Aug 3rd '22 00:42 AM
I just drink one 16oz bottle a day, even in the summer. And some sodas. Blessed.
Oct 7th '22 23:08 PM
To help you lose weight faster