April challenges

Apr 7th '14 19:56 PM
whats your april challenge?

i'm not going hard and fast on slimming world and not kicking myself if I slip up. but planning on losing about 8lbs by the end of the month.

what is everyone else planning? can be a weight loss or fitness target.
Apr 7th '14 21:33 PM
Mine is fitness as I want to stay motivated with going to the gym and getting stronger with the weights I lift. Also I want to try out a few new harder classes at the gym like circuit training
Apr 7th '14 22:11 PM
I'm back on weight loss. People told me to stop but I'm going to do what's good for me. Problem is with a lot of exercise sometimes it's the measurements and not really the scales so I am heading for either 10 stone or another inch off the tummy.

Also I'm on a 5/7 days of exercise, some days more intense than others but today was day 1 for my run preparation in May


Good luck ladies!

Apr 8th '14 22:06 PM
I'm hoping to be able to run 10k or there abouts by the end of the month! And hopefully have an inch off my belly and .5 off thighs and calves, although they'll probably grow
Apr 9th '14 15:32 PM
The next challenge I am going to start with next week since I have been ill this week is all about squats. I am kind of excited about it too, being one of my favorite things. After that the next plan is get a boxing bag and let the fun begin!
Apr 9th '14 19:16 PM
Quote by PrincessPikachu:
I'm hoping to be able to run 10k or there abouts by the end of the month! And hopefully have an inch off my belly and .5 off thighs and calves, although they'll probably grow
You're doing amazing if you can do that. Befit isn't a smoker and I don't think she solid runs the whole 5/10k, could be wrong and I'm baffled how you manage it so quickly! lol
Apr 10th '14 16:31 PM
I'm probably massively overestimating how far I'm running I think tonight I'm going to have a go at a 10k route I've found just to see what it's like! Just been told MILs coming for tea though! I think its something to do with muscle memory though, I danced a few times a week til I was about 13 and played the flute til I was 18, so my lung capacity was good! I saw a friend out running before and was like bloody hell he's a bit far from home and then it dawned on me that it probably won't even have been 10k he was doing
Apr 10th '14 18:41 PM
My April challenge is to clean my diet up. For the first time in a long time, we went grocery shopping (earlier this week) and I only bought fruits, veggies, beans, lean meat, low fat dairy, etc. We skipped over chips, sweets, and almost all prepackaged stuff -- my one "junk" purchase this go round was whole grain Wheat Thin crackers! That's so much better than how we used to shop, and I've felt so much better this week eating healthy.
Apr 10th '14 23:31 PM
i did the 5K non stop runs but the 11 K race was a trail race with starting at the beach sand and going up a mountain of 1500 elevation feet so i had to walk part of that ( we also had wooden steps to claim to be at the top .

April Challenge i have a other 10 k race ont he 27th on flat course this time so training for that