My swimming challenge

Feb 3rd '14 19:14 PM
I've been paying for a gym membership but haven't made it there even once in the last two months. It's been so cold that I couldn't even think about swimming. When it's 40 below who wants to put a swimsuit on? My back is starting to hurt more lately so I really could use that warm water exercise. We're supposed to get another 10 inches of snow in the next day or two so this will be a challenge!

My goal is to get back into a healthier routine and start getting myself over to the (indoor) pool again at least twice per week. If I can accomplish that goal, I will then see if I can make it three times per week.
Feb 3rd '14 19:54 PM
I don't blame you for not wanting to go swimming when it's so cold! It sounds like you are so motivated though and I am sure you will achieve your goal. Twice a week sounds like a good starting point
Feb 3rd '14 21:29 PM
It is hard to think about swimming when it is cold, but if I had an indoor pool to head to, I would be all over it. I hope that you can get back into your healthy routine and that the weather doesn't hold you back for too much longer.
Feb 4th '14 21:36 PM
Even in the summer, I would get a little chilled coming out of the pool. It just seems like so much effort to make sure I dry my hair completely afterward or risk it freezing onto my head.

I had an appointment today and one yesterday and tonight we are expecting about ten inches of snow... so, I think my challenge may have to start next week.
Feb 5th '14 09:14 AM
It can be horrible when hair freezes in the cold air!

Wow that's a lot of snow. Good luck for your challenge next week

Feb 5th '14 17:56 PM
You could always take a warm pair of clothes with you and a hair dryer if they would allow it. I told my husband the next house that I want needs a few things, a pool would be amazing but I am not sure if it will make it onto the wish list. If it did I would spend most of my spare time in the pool doing laps.
Feb 5th '14 19:51 PM
Oh a pool at home would be fab!

Shame about the snow - wow how much though!
Feb 6th '14 03:55 AM
10 inches of snow?! Holy crap.

I don't even want to think about swimming when it is cold out either. Getting out of the warm water would be such a chore for me.
Feb 18th '14 15:51 PM
I made it to the pool yesterday! I feel so out of shape too. I couldn't manage to do very much but I did some stretches and was able to tread water for about 30 minutes.

I've been really weak and not feeling great lately and it's been so cold here. I was fine while I was in the water, but I froze when I got out. It wasn't pleasant.

It's a good thing I went yesterday because today I am snowed in. We had quite a bit during the night and they haven't come by to plow or shovel the walkways yet.
Feb 18th '14 16:32 PM
Well done on making it to the pool Getting out it so horrible, the cold really hits you!

Sorry you're snowed in!