My goal

Nov 12th '13 00:44 AM
My goal is to lose 20 lbs by next summer. This way I don't have to look like a big "flabby mcflabster" by the pool. Let's see if I can do it! I've already lost like 5 pounds!
Nov 12th '13 02:12 AM
Congrats, Avocado! You're already a quarter of the way there! I would like to drop about another 20 pounds myself, but I'm lifting weights so heavily these days that I don't know if that's going to happen or not.

What have you been doing to help you lose weight?
Nov 12th '13 10:45 AM
Congrats on your loss so far! 20lb by summer's definitely achievable!

Painted, are you taking measurements and photos? With heavy lifting you'll soon see your shape change, but everyone I know that's lost weight that way has actually lost very little weight, they've just toned!
Nov 14th '13 19:21 PM
Well done on your weight loss so far! You can do it!