Ideas for Fruit Juice Blends?

Oct 8th '13 19:51 PM
Whats your favorite combination of fruit juices? I'm looking for drinks I can make in the blender. I use watermelon and strawberries sometimes. I strain the juice afterwards and add a little sugar and extra water to make what's called an "agua fresca" in Mexico. So refreshing!
Oct 9th '13 14:41 PM
I like a combination of pineapple and banana. Those seem to go good together because the banana levels out the tartness of the pineapple. I also like to use mango and peach blended with green tea.
Oct 9th '13 17:08 PM
Lorrix, those combos sound really good. I hadn't thought of using green tea before. Do you brew up the tea first, or buy bottled green tea and start with that? Do you ever put a little honey or agave syrup in to sweeten it?
Oct 11th '13 16:35 PM
Yes, I brew the tea myself. I always keep a pitcher of it in the refrigerator. I don't sweeten my tea or juice. I've gotten used to the taste of it without any added sugars.