Your favorite smoothie

Mar 25th '14 04:32 AM
I've been drinking a lot more fruit and vegetable smoothies lately, but I'm starting to get bored. I need to switch it up! Anyone have a particular favorite I should try?
Mar 27th '14 14:19 PM
Stephen Reed
kale, celery, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, ginger, carrot or small apple, water, spirulina and chia seeds. Tastes ok, not convinced of the validity of drinking your calories, but happy to drink it after a run or training session
Mar 29th '14 17:47 PM
My favorite smoothie is very basic: orange juice, a banana, blueberries, occasionally a dollop of yogurt, and ice cubes.

I enjoy various smoothies but always return to this one for its simplicity in taste and ingredients.
Apr 25th '14 11:27 AM
I agree with Millicent, mine is simple. Yogurt, OJ, banana and strawberries. I love the mix of fruits! When I can get mango, I will throw some mango in it as well as some pineapple, but that's super high in fructose, so I limit it just to treat time.