Low calorie peach smoothie

Jan 6th '14 18:08 PM
This is unbelievable tasty. It has 78 calories, 0 fat, 2 mg cholesterol, 16 grams of carbs, 2 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein.

2 cups sliced fresh peaches
1 container of non fat peach yogurt
1 cup non fat/skim milk
1 cup small ice cubes/crushed ice

Put in blender and drink.

So good!
Jan 6th '14 18:17 PM
That sounds delicious! I can't believe how low in calories it is too!
Jan 6th '14 22:07 PM
ohhh one for my list I did smoothies and juices for a while but stopped when someone told me about some of the sugar contents of them, but did love them. I'm up for a 78 calorie hit. Bet it's quite filling too
Jan 7th '14 19:16 PM
Yes, it's very good. Refreshing too. You could do this same recipe with any kind of fruit and yogurt. The calories may vary some, of course, depending on the brand and type of yogurt. I generally try to stick with the non fat and lower sugar types when I can.
Jan 9th '14 21:18 PM
I was thinking any kind of fruit mmmm sounds nice, need a new blender tho!
Jan 9th '14 21:28 PM
Oh these do sound nice, certainly a change from just a muller. I've never owned a blender might invest in one. Thanks
Jan 10th '14 04:17 AM
Yummy! It sounds so delicious. I love smoothies and I love peaches, so this sounds like it is will be phenomenal when I try make it.
Jan 12th '14 15:11 PM
I made one this morning, but instead of the peaches, I tried it with a banana and used vanilla yogurt. It didn't taste quite as good, to me, as the peach smoothie, but it has kept me fuller for a longer period of time. It's been two hours and I still don't feel at all hungry.
Jan 15th '14 22:56 PM
I really like the sound of this, nommy!
Jan 16th '14 17:03 PM
I know what I will be eating tomorrow (or maybe even tonight)! Thanks for the quick yet delicious sounding recipe. I think my kids will even love it. They love fruit and cold drinks! I wonder how bad it would be to put frozen yogurt in instead of the non-fat yogurt.