I'm in maintain!

Aug 21st '13 11:00 AM
For now at least I've been fannying around trying to lose a few more lbs for the last 6m and have decided to go into maintain for a while! After a couple of weeks of eating what I fancy and doing bugger all exercise, I'm still maintaining at 9st3, which seems to be where my body's happy!

When the kids go back to school, I'll get back into exercise, but for now I'm quite enjoying eating what I fancy and not worrying too much about the scales!
Aug 21st '13 18:02 PM
You didn't manage those last 3 lbs? Does that mean I won?
Aug 21st '13 20:06 PM
Yup *huffs* I think I had a rant about it on a thread of yours yesterday you may have won the race, but I hit goal first!
Aug 21st '13 22:02 PM
Just getting back on the forum and catching up with threads tbf I still have at least another stone to lose so you won
Aug 21st '13 22:03 PM
maybe you'll lose them without trying eh

Well done Hun xx
Aug 22nd '13 07:48 AM
I'm hoping they'll drop off when school starts back and I'm walking more! I seem to be focussing a lot of energy into school ATM, can you tell I've had enough of the holidays?!
Aug 29th '13 20:10 PM
Hahah you would never guess

You're doing fab maintaing your loss tho!

Aug 30th '13 10:13 AM
Well done hun
Aug 30th '13 10:24 AM
Thanks guys! I'm quite surprised Cos I'm actually maintaining at 9st2, which is lower than I usually stick at! Bet it won't last long
Sep 27th '13 17:33 PM
greaaaaat job