I seem to have found acceptance!

Nov 6th '13 12:35 PM
It feels weird! I'm not getting on the scales every morning, I'm not constantly thinking I need to diet, I just feel comfortable

I think it's because I'm running, I know the chances are I'll lose a bit through that! And also, I was at a party Saturday night and I was really surprised by the pictures! I actually looked thin I usually look at pics of others and think I wished I looked like that - this time I actually did! I was actually really shocked by a pic my OH took, I didn't recognise myself and actually thought it was a child in the picture til I realised it was my face the joys of being short haha! It must have been the angle it was taken at or something!

But yea, I actually feel really happy for a change!
Nov 6th '13 15:40 PM
That is great! I'm glad you have found acceptance and are happy!
Nov 6th '13 16:06 PM
I am very happy for you. I hope to someday get to where you are now! I feel that way when I look at photos from several years ago. I think, "Who is that thin woman? That can't be me!" It WAS me, though, and hopefully will be again.
Nov 6th '13 20:40 PM
Oh wow this is GREAT hun and so positive

Nov 6th '13 22:18 PM
Twyla, I've not been this size since school, but the weirdest one for me was showing the kids a picture of me when I was pregnant and they asked who it was

It's fab now though cos I'll go for a run and then tuck into something not so healthy and not be all like "omg I'm ruining my hard work!"

What's really weird is I've actually only lost about 1/2 stone in the last year, but even since summer I can see a change in my shape!

No doubt I'll have a panic about it all in a few months before my holiday though
Nov 6th '13 23:04 PM
That is definitely a really healthy attitude to have towards things

Wow can't believe your kids didn't recognise the photo!

Nov 7th '13 11:18 AM
I've shown it to friends who didn't know me back then too who were shocked it was me! I carried a LOT of weight on my face, so losing it's totally changed how I look! Even now I can tell when I've gained a few lbs cos I can feel it on my neck!