Is keto diet bad for you

Jan 27th '20 15:31 PM
People have told me keto diet is bad for you ... is keto diet bad for you? Why is a keto diet bad for you?

Jan 30th '20 18:36 PM
It is known as an extreme diet as it promotes your body to use its own fat burning system (how cool does that sound ) and those who use this method are often known to lose significant drops on the scales.

Those for the keto method of dieting say it gives you more energy and is safe but critics have said it cause fatigue and consider it an unhealthy diet and food routine that will only work short term. It is believed to aid muscle loss too so if you are doing those pullups I'd do some research.

Keto diet was used in a hospital with children who have refractory epilepsy and according to some sources the diet reduced the amount of seizures. Interesting!

Defo some person choice.

I have done low carb diet but I never completely cut it out. I had high fat days on my 'rest' days and carbs on my training days depending on how intense depended on how much.

Mar 24th '21 09:14 AM
I've heard a lot of that too, but you can also pick keto for yourself, do it in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Usually, people realize you can't eat everything and lose weight here and say keto hurts them. First, you need to understand your goal, and then pick your diet.
Feb 23rd '23 15:39 PM
Low blood pressure, kidney stones, constipation, vitamin shortages, and an increased risk of heart disease are all potential side effects of the keto diet. Strict diets like keto could also lead to disordered eating or social isolation. Anybody with a disorder affecting their pancreas, liver, thyroid, or gallbladder should avoid the ketogenic diet.