Dukan Or Atkins?

Jan 11th '15 15:08 PM
I want to start a diet tomorrow or the day after, but I am really hesitant between Dukan and Atkins diets. Which one is better in your opinion?
Jan 12th '15 16:43 PM
I'm not familiar with Dukan but I can tell you that Atkins felt very restrictive for me. During the induction phase, there are very few foods you can eat unless you are just CRAZY about green vegetables!
Jan 17th '15 19:31 PM
I do like green vegetables actually. Did you try the Atkins diet? Did it work for you? From what I read, the induction phase takes about 2 weeks. How much weight can I expect to lose in those first 2 weeks?
Jan 20th '15 17:34 PM
Did you decide Ashley?
Jan 20th '15 21:29 PM
Dukan, that's a new one on me. Will have to look it up. How does it work?
Jan 21st '15 09:13 AM
I haven't heard much about the Dukan diet. Hope you were able to come to a decision, Ashley
Jun 16th '16 18:12 PM
I tried Dunkan and I lost like 4 kg / week but depends on the body and burns bcz my mom did it also and lost almost 6 in the first week. But from my opinion the best is 4 you to try 1week Dunkan and the following week Atkins this way u can see how your body reacts better ! Good luck !

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Jun 17th '16 11:24 AM
Hey Ashley,

That is the first I have heard of the Dukan diet, but after a quick look it seems that generally:
Dukan = high protein, low fat
Atkins = high protein, high fat

One of the most important principles of these diets are that they are low-carb. This is the main driving factor. However, if you eat low-carb then you really do need to eat some fat as an alternative energy source from carbs. Also, fat is extremely important for multiple other bodily functions.

I have eaten a low-carb, high-protein, high-fat diet for over 10 years and I can absolutely assure you that it works and it works very well. Not only will you lose fat you will almost certainly see many other health benefits.

I don't subscribe to any particular diet (Atkins / paleo / primal / blah blah). I work on understanding the basic principles that makes the diet work and then eat based on those principles.

Finally, I don't count calories, I don't weigh myself, I don't measure anything. You don't need to do any of that stuff. You just need two things:

- The right mindset
- An understanding of why people become overweight (and unhealthy)

If you know the right path and you can make the decision to tread that path then you can't fail.

Just ask if you want any more information.
Jul 11th '16 21:50 PM
Hi, I did Atkins for a while and it does work but it's not sustainable long term. On both occasions I lost a lot of weight but the gained back more than I lost. Not saying that will happen for you but I would say it's important to have an exit strategy with Atkins whether it's calorie counting or something else. The most successful I have been with my weightless is lately but I have been counting calories plus combining my knowledge on the subject of nutrition and science that I have pick up over the years. The first truth is 1) A Calorie is not a Calorie 2) Fat does not make you fat.

If I have to give anyone tips on weight loss I would say:

1) Switch you white Bread, Rice and Pasta to their brown alternatives
2) Never drink fruit juice EVER!
3) Slow your eating down to allow your body time to realise when it's full
4) Significantly reduce your sugar intake
5) Drink more water

Understand the impact of spikes in your blood sugar and what insulin does (converts sugar into fat and steels energy - creating the need to overeat)

Happy to expand on any of this if it helps.
Jul 12th '16 10:13 AM
Hey Jay,

Nice to meet you.

Can I ask why you think Atkins is not sustainable in the long term?
