Told to change my diet by the doctor

Dec 10th '14 18:46 PM
I was just diagnosed with hypoglycemia, which means I have low blood sugar. This contributes to weight gain, a sluggish metabolism and a lowered immune system. The doctor said I need to be eating a low carbohydrate, high protein diet so I'm here to learn how to do that.
Dec 11th '14 00:14 AM
Good luck! What symptoms do you have? I know very little about low blood sugar. What is it doing to your body? I have been trying to eat foods that are higher in proteins too. I seem to be very sluggish lately and my friend told me to get more protein in my diet.
Mar 10th '15 17:12 PM
Don't drastically reduce carb intake. Gradually reduce over a period of two weeks so your body doesn't go crazy looking for them! You need carbs for energy to kickstart your metabolism so think about increasing intake in the morning and reduce throughout the day completely cutting them out from 4pm onwards. Eat more fruit and veg and a range of proteins to make up for the lack of calories consumed from carbs. Hope this helps, message me if you have anymore questions.

Apr 29th '15 11:08 AM
How are you getting on?

I did this recently for different reason .. I cut out:
dairy other than goats/feta cheese, cottage cheese, egg (some consider it dairy) & full fat yogurt where you will get good proteins from at the same time!

Other good protein sources are chicken, turkey, lean beef, salmon, cod and tuna not forgetting a good protein shake/supplement.
Dec 14th '23 12:12 PM
For a low-carb, high-protein diet, focus on lean proteins and non-starchy veggies. Avoid sugary foods.