So I've relaxed since May and...

Jul 14th '14 09:59 AM
Put on 12lbs

I have alot going on but this extra weight/eating crap isn't helping...surprise surprise it hasn't.

So doing what I know whips me into shape...Atkins.

Angry with myself I've let things go this far but enough is enough now xx
Jul 14th '14 18:35 PM
Sometimes it can be really hard to stay on track and it is quite easy to let yourself go, but I know you will get back on track again

Good luck with the Atkins diet!

Jul 14th '14 18:52 PM
Girlfriend, I feel your pain! This has probably happened to all of us, and more than once. I know it's happened to me too many times. If I don't watch my diet pretty much constantly, the weight starts creeping up. Every. Single. Time.
Jul 30th '14 21:56 PM
You've had a lot on Hun ....

How have you been getting on this last 2 weeks? x