
Sep 19th '15 19:28 PM
Urgh, I'm feeling so yuck. Really flu-like, aches and pains a plenty. Had a great summer and the first sign of colder weather and the fibro starts playing me up
Oct 29th '15 09:53 AM
Well I have to post just to say how good I'm feeling. Yes the aches and pains are still there and I have the occasional afternoon nap. But I found myself running down the stairs the other day!! I used to have to go slowly, one at a time. The weight loss has really eased the pressure on my knees and ankles and I'm so much more mobile. Colleagues have noticed I move better. Long may it continue
Nov 10th '15 10:22 AM
Aaargh I'm being plagued by a knot of muscle in my shoulder at the moment. Its been going on for weeks but just getting worse. It's like the muscle is constantly in spasm and it's so painful it's doing my head in! My cocodamol aren't touching it so I'm trying every alternative therapy I can think of to try and make the muscle relax, but with little success
Mar 23rd '16 08:38 AM
I'd forgotten about this thread!
My health is pretty rubbish at the moment. I lost the weight and felt great before Xmas to the point of questioning whether I actually had fibro or not. Now I'm back at square one.
My aches and pains are horrible. My depression is back. My fatigue is worse. Yesterday my GP increased my antidepressant medication to a dose higher than usual, which worries me a bit. What happens when I become tolerant to it, like I do with most meds? And the side-effects aren't a walk in the park either.
I've been using a SAD lamp since Xmas with no effect.
And because of all this, I am comfort eating. The increased sugar makes me feel bad, so I eat more. Its a vicious circle. I thought I had conquered my emotional eating, but faced with ill health like this, I'm fighting a losing battle.
I'm very much hoping that I'll improve as the weather gets warmer. I have a foreign holiday to look forward to this year as well.
So trying to remain positive. It's all I can do.
Mar 28th '16 19:45 PM
Have you read the testimonials for juice plus?
Jun 16th '16 08:39 AM
I'm still feeling rotten so I've come for a whinge!
I've spent 2 days in bed this week, after work. I don't know if its this damp weather but I'm in a horrible flare.
Yesterday I had a bath and it wiped me out, I was shaking all over afterwards.
And I can't fill myself up. My tummy always feels empty and I feel hypoglycemic. So yesterday I ate loads!
I've got 2 more shifts before I've got almost 3 weeks off for my hols. And it's so needed. But I've got a sore throat now as well and have to wonder if I'll actually make it to work.
I really should go to the doctor and ask for a blood test but I actually can't be bothered. I do wonder about my thyroid function sometimes. I'm not a hypochondriac, honestly!
Jun 16th '16 11:42 AM
Oh Ali, that's very rubbish

As for the whinge, that's what we're here for lol

I'm the worst person to say it because I don't follow my own advice, but it might be worth the trip to the Doc's for the blood test - it would be worth knowing if they find anything. At least that way you can manage it
I'm with you on the being hungry yesterday, although I was limited to the food I had brought with me to work so could only eat that

Fingers crossed you are feeling better before your holidays, and I'm sure that the break will do you a world of wonders!!
Jun 25th '16 23:01 PM
I've come for a vent, I'm sorry folks.
It's odd but I'm feeling strangely apprehensive about our holiday. I'm just a bit low for some reason, probably the stress of hubby's job, and have a bad feeling it's not going to go well.
I've never not wanted to go away before. But I feel like I'm going to miss our dog and cats badly. Like I'm homesick already. And I'm in so much pain lately.
Forgive me, I'm sure you're thinking 'what the hell is wrong with her?' But it just feels out of my control.
I hope I'm proved wrong of course. I might have a whale of a time once we get there. Fingers crossed hey.
Mar 23rd '17 14:46 PM
It has been a long time since I've posted here. The reason I'm back is because I've done my back in. I'm on the sofa on my heat pad, with my Actipatch on, voltarol gel and cocodamol on board. I'm OK when sat but can hardly walk
Mar 25th '17 16:44 PM
Oh Ali I'm sorry you're in so much pain

I know it's not that straight forward, but I really hope you feel better soon, or can at least walk a little! Being 'tied' to the sofa sounds good in practice, but it really stinks when you don't particularly have a choice! xx

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