Jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack!

Jul 25th '13 12:31 PM
I LOVE it!! It's so different to 30ds, which I've always been a big fan of, but in a good way! The cardio stuff is tonnes better, I hate jumping jacks with a passion and in 6w6p it's strength related cardio, so things like plank jacks, burpees and mountain climbers. The only thing that worries me is that I might get bored with it being the same work out for 3 weeks, but it's so fast paced you can't really get bored

I was thinking it might not be as intense fat burning wise, but my god it gets you hot ad sweaty! My bra was literally stuck to me last night can't wait to see my results!
Jul 25th '13 13:19 PM
Wow sounds amazing!! Wish i.had the time to do something like that

Jul 25th '13 13:33 PM
It's only 1/2 hour that's why I like her DVDs even though I often think I don't have time, I spend more than that sat on my arse watching tv in the evenings
Jul 25th '13 13:38 PM
Wow really? That is good!!
Jul 25th '13 14:00 PM
Yea I think she designed them for people like me ie lazy, but want results fast! All the workouts in them can be modified too, so you can make them as easy or hard as you like!
Jul 25th '13 16:17 PM
That sounds great!