The 2018 Weigh-In Thread

Mar 20th '18 23:23 PM
I'm the worst person to post here, I've gained weight this year... haven't lost a single ounce!
I need several kicks - kick up the bum and a huge mental kick too! I'll figure it out eventually
Mar 21st '18 00:17 AM
Quote by sarahc4536:
I'm the worst person to post here, I've gained weight this year... haven't lost a single ounce!
I need several kicks - kick up the bum and a huge mental kick too! I'll figure it out eventually
You gave me a good advice I shouldn’t stand on a scale every day...and you did so well with loosing weight and I know... and you know you can get your mojo back!
Mar 21st '18 11:27 AM
I lost 2.5lbs in February

Bit slow but it's off not on? lol

Well done everyone.

May 18th '18 10:23 AM
Diet and exercise are two main factors comes to our mind when we think about to lose an excessive amount of fat. Choosing yoga is one of the best option to cut the excess amount of fat and lose weight. The most interesting thing about yoga is that it doesn't make you feel exhausted as you feel during gym.
May 23rd '18 06:59 AM
motivating post!
May 23rd '18 09:46 AM
Quote by andersonkevin19:
Diet and exercise are two main factors comes to our mind when we think about to lose an excessive amount of fat. Choosing yoga is one of the best option to cut the excess amount of fat and lose weight. The most interesting thing about yoga is that it doesn't make you feel exhausted as you feel during gym.

Granted people take to different exercises on what suits them for many reasons. My friend LOVES yoga but for me personally it was boring whereas my morning gym sessions kick start my day. Getting the adrenaline going releasing endorphins has so many positive effects on your mental health. Don't knock either, it's personal preference. I love my hot an sweaty mornings

The mornings I don't exercise my days just aren't the same.
Jun 11th '18 09:26 AM
We all know that there are no magic pills that can help you to get rid of overweight within a minute. There are several ways that can help you in weight loss. But the natural weight loss could be much beneficial for you cause of, easy availability and no harmful effects. It will be like magic that you eat something and that help in weight loss. Yes! This could be possible. There are several plant and animal source of foods available that help to get your target.