Following a celebrity's diet

Aug 22nd '13 19:38 PM
A lot of my friends are on diets just because a celebrity they admire is following a particular diet. They seem to think that if a celebrity is doing it, then it must be good (and safe). Have you ever tried a diet because of a celebrity?
Aug 22nd '13 19:56 PM
No, I dont believe for a second that the diets it's publicised that the celebs do are a)safe or b) as effective as they're made out to be! In fact, half the time, I doubt they're even doing the diets they say they are! Usually it's a publicity stunt and they're actually working out with a personal trainer 10 times a week!

I may have been suckered into celeb workout DVDs on numerous occasions though
Aug 28th '13 12:23 PM
No definitely not. I always get these kind of ads now too on Facebook and it really annoys me!
Aug 28th '13 14:04 PM
Ugh those secret diet drops one's and the ones that show people who have supposedly lost 2 stone in a month?! Makes me glad my fb rarely works
Aug 29th '13 20:16 PM
Yeah I wouldn't bother doing a celeb diet - they have all sorts of personal trainers, and thousands if not millions of ££s to keep them motivated

I'd be skinny if I was earning that much!
Aug 30th '13 08:23 AM
Quote by kiwifrootkai:
Yeah I wouldn't bother doing a celeb diet - they have all sorts of personal trainers, and thousands if not millions of ££s to keep them motivated

I'd be skinny if I was earning that much!
I totally agree with you. I look at what Beyonce, Janet Jackson and Oprah have been through. They can afford to look as fabulous as they want, but there is no way I'd be able to maintain their diet tricks. I actually wonder if celebrities really follow their own diets.
Aug 30th '13 09:09 AM
I really doubt that they do! And I hate it when celebs have babies and a month later are stick thin and say they're just lucky! Yea, lucky enough to have personal trainers and god knows what else to get their shape back! It's not fair on other new mothers that can't afford all that and then feel a failure cos they still look 6m pregnant!
Aug 30th '13 09:13 AM
That:s so true PP it:s easy to get swept away with it all because it's forced down.your throat!!

Aug 30th '13 09:45 AM
I think there's far too much pressure on people now thanks to the celeb culture. I mean, you can't pick up a magazine these days without pics of celebs in bikinis and straplines about their weightloss/gain or articles about diets they follow! It's just not healthy!

I've got quite down in the past looking at people on tv and whatnot thinking about how stunning they are, particularly on things like the x factor. But really, if I were to spend hours in hair and make up, I wouldn't scrub up too badly either! It's just forcing unreal expectations on people.
Aug 30th '13 13:09 PM
Yeah you're made to feel like if you don't look like X then you dont really mean anything!! That's how i feel

also o/t but this "real woman" business - what's a "real woman"??