Slimming World Recipe Books

Oct 25th '16 11:59 AM

Does anyone have any idea how much the slimming world recipe books are in the group?
I want to buy one but wondering if it'll be cheaper online (but they are quite expensive online)

Oct 26th '16 15:05 PM
Generally they are around £4.95 in group, however some are more expensive if they are bigger books (as in more pages)
The Mediterranean Magic, Extra Easy All in One and Extra Easy Express books are both £6.99 in group, but there are some that are £3.95 (sauces, lunches, soups)
Oct 27th '16 08:49 AM
Thank you, they are so much more on eBay so really glad I asked.
I will just buy them from group now.

Thank you
Feb 8th '17 11:15 AM
Thanks fot the interesting information))))
Feb 27th '17 20:37 PM
I've found some really cheap books on eBay over time (various not just SW). If you go car booting it's another place to keep your eyes open! x
Feb 27th '17 20:39 PM
Also might be worth checking Amazon prices for Slimming World recipe book kindle additions. ATM none on offer but these can change.
Feb 27th '17 21:18 PM
Great tip Wobbles! I always forget the books are on the internet somewhere
Some of these are old books, so if bought, just bear in mind the syn values will probably have changed

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