How is it a 'healthy extra'?!?!

Mar 1st '16 21:59 PM
Slimming World Roly Poly cereal bars.

Can eat 2 a day as part of 'HEB', or 3 sons per bar.

But can someone explain please HOW these are possibly healthy extras - as each one contains 6.5 grams of sugar!!

So if you had two a day, every day, for seven days . . . thats 91 GRAMS OF SUGAR PER WEEK JUST FROM YOUR 'HEALTHY EXTRA'!!!!

I cant get my head around how slimming world promote this as being okay. Cant understand how anyone would lose weight eating these things.


Mar 2nd '16 10:01 AM
They get away with it because of the fibre content.
I started on SW but became a bit jaded. I prefer a more natural approach these days.
Mar 2nd '16 17:47 PM
Seriously? Why did they have to load them up with so much sugar?

Spoke to a girl today whose friend ate 2 of these every day for a week.

Surprisingly, she didn't lose any weight.
Mar 3rd '16 21:49 PM
They have the correct amount of fibre in them that a person requires on a daily basis, like the dairy choice.

You can't base the lack of weight loss just on the SW hifi bars. Or just over 1 week. Saw have a money back guarantee. If you don't lose any weight at all within 4 weeks, and you've proved that you've stuck to the plan 100% with food diaries, you get your money back. Maybe she needs to give the plan more than 1 week to have an effect?
I eat 2 of the chocolate orange hifi bars (6.7g sugars per bar) every day and when I stick to the plan 100%, I lose weight. Sometimes up to 3.5-4lb a week.
The reason I'm still fat and have put on weight when I have is because I've not stuck to the plan.
The bars also help curb cravings when I have them

Granted, like a lot of things, SW may not be for everyone.
Personally, I know it works for me because I've done it before and got to where I wanted to be. Circumstances changed that, but I'm confident I'll get back there because I know I like following SW.
Maybe it just isn't for your friends friend. If everyone stuck to the same things the world would be rather boring wouldn't it? lol
Mar 4th '16 13:04 PM
With SW I would imagine the choices and syns all base around not going over x amount of different things including sugar a day. There are a few things I don't agree with on SW like the free pasta, potatoes etc ... the girl I started with was surprised when she ate pasta every day and didn't lose anything.

Thing is many foods are labelled 'healthy' and they absolutely aren't. The further I went in my journey the more I learnt what suits me. SW was my starter but not a 'plan' I would go back to but in the next breath I know a gorgeous lady who has lost over 10 stone just on SW. It works for some but I think there is a lot of using your own common sense when it comes to food.... still chose wisely.

There is also lot's of GOOD food heavily syn'ed ... *shrug* but I guess if you are eating processed foods (none or low syn) and foods with this kind of sugar content then that is why! Little bit backwards but everyone is different in how they want to lose their weight or other goals. SW would not fit into my fitness goals at all now!