Are diet fizzy drinks bad for you?

Nov 13th '15 12:55 PM
I know that there are a lot of people who think sweetener is poison, but I'm not talking about that. I keep reading that diet carbonated drinks are actually bad for you. I love pepsi max and it's advertised as having no sugar and zero calories.

Does anyone else drink a fair bit of diet coke etc? It has the nutritional value of water, how can that be bad for you?
Nov 13th '15 13:28 PM
If you remember in the past Coca Cola used to lace its drinks with cocaine.This was so its customers would become addicted and keep buying there product. Nowadays they use a cocktail of chemicals. The blend of Caffeine and sweeteners ( which I know you said you were not to bothered about ) cause cells in your brain 'apparently' to get a feel good sensation then die. You have loads so not too big a deal but sounds bad, lol. The diet drinks cause fast water retention in the body and leaches calcium from your bones. The calcium in your bloodstream causes your body to mistake this as a source of nutrition and you get cravings.Think that's about it. On the plus side they taste awesome I think like most things in moderation is ok. A side note a lot of anorexics use diet soda as a meal replacement. This is not good but guess shows works for dieting.

Watch this for laugh on the water retention side effects : Fat to fit in 5 hours

Have fun and good luck with whatever diety thing you are on. Might be wrong on the water retention bit but meh sure I came across that somewhere lol.
Nov 13th '15 15:18 PM
Hahaha that's funny. I'm pretty sure I've seen that before but totally forgot about it.

ok, silly question, but what about sparking water and orange juice. would that be as bad?
Nov 14th '15 10:30 AM
The other problem with diet drinks is they cause your body to think that it has had sugar and therefore you get insulin spikes and may be more hungry later on

Orange juice would also cause insulin spikes as its high sugar.

Having said that I still enjoy diet drinks in moderation and I think as long as you are drinking plenty of water and not relying solely on diet drinks for liquid it shkukd be fine.
Nov 16th '15 14:26 PM
Fizzy anything can bloat so I avoid for that reason and like any fizzy drink they say it's bad for the teeth!
Nov 17th '15 19:52 PM
I drink so much diet coke I dread to think what the 'poisonous sweeteners' are doing to me. Do I care enough to stop, no. That being said fizzy drinks do destroy the enamel on your teeth. I've been suffering from sensitive teeth lately and my dentist has said the carbonation in fizzy drinks is what causes it. She suggested if I really can't stop then to drink fizzy drinks through a straw
Apr 9th '22 06:44 AM
Fizzy drinks contain artificial sweeteners and other chemicals which are not harmful to everyone.
But the problem with fizzy drinks is that they are too acidic which can be the reason for many types of health problems that happens in the human body.
Apr 25th '22 07:06 AM
Drinks like diet-coke and Pepsi are full of sugar substitutes. The sugar substitutes are worse than sugar! to your body. So the sugar substitutes in these drinks is more harmful than the sugar in them. Diet-coke contains aspartame and Pepsi contains acesulfame potassium. Both these additives are very bad for your brain. If you want to lose weight, i suggest you to stop drinking fizzy drinks for good. It is the simplest thing you can do to improve your health and reduce weight.
Jun 12th '23 14:41 PM
You won't likely be injured if you consume a sensible quantity of diet soda each day, like one or two cans. There is no solid proof that the artificial sweeteners and other chemicals now included in diet soda cause cancer, yet they are safe for the majority of individuals to consume.