I will make my mind up eventually!

Jul 24th '13 22:04 PM
In the space of 10 days I've done SW, then decided to revert back to WW and now tonight OH's asked if I'll do calorie counting with him!!! He needs to lose a fair bit so I've said yes. Maybe a complete change will do me good. Going to try and exercise most days even if its just 30 minutes.

So tired of dieting but I'm still nowhere near happy and where I want to be so better suck it up and get on with it!!

Thank goodness for MFP!
Jul 25th '13 08:16 AM
I'm the same, I'm back to kinda calorie counting, or at least attempting to make better choices! There's too much choice out there for me diet wise! I'm attempting to eat well the next 3 days and then will be properly back on it Monday! Going to have to meal plan again, did a walk around sainsbugs without a list the other day and bar pizzas, I didn't really buy anything you could actually make a meal out of!
Jul 25th '13 10:17 AM
It can be hard to find which diet is right for you, but hopefully you've found the right one though. I'm sorry that you're not feeling happy But look at how well you have done though, you've lost 19 lbs which is great!

I love MFP too!

Jul 25th '13 12:10 PM
MyFitnessPal has been really great for me too. Calorie counting can get tedious after awhile but if you stick with it, it really does work.
Jul 25th '13 13:26 PM
Calorie counting is the best! I'm sure you'll eventually settle into something.

Jul 25th '13 13:36 PM
This threads had me back on mfp I *will* stick to my calories today!
Jul 25th '13 13:39 PM
Pahaha i had to.delete my mfp app coz my phone memory sucks

Jul 25th '13 15:50 PM
Glad I'm not the only one, PP!

I know I should be pleased with myself as a few years ago I weighed 14st and now I'm 11st but feel stuck. Have hovered between 11.5st-12.5st for a while now. Need to get this last 1-1.5st off so hopefully I can do it via calorie counting.

Haven't made the best choices food wise today as my friend came round and we had chippy but I only ate 1/4 of it. Still, I'll go on the treadmill in a bit to burn some back off! x