
Jul 30th '15 14:29 PM
Hi guys

Hope you can help

Currently I am 37 guy weighing in about 92kg / 14 stone 7.

I have been trying to lose a bit of weight for sometime and currently totally confused. I purchased a ki fitness tracker package (the device you wear on your arm to track your calories all day) and update myfitness pal regulary.

After 4 weeks of doing this - it basically gives me on average

2900 calories burned per day
1500 calories consumed (the food is 31 % protein / 38 % carbs / 31% fat)
1400 calories deficit

Which to me would make about 3 lb per week loss, however I am seeing nothing!

I thought maybe I was underestimated my food and overestimating my excercise but apparently not.

I regulary walk around, do weights and some cardio and would describe it as moderate.

What am I doing wrong here guys?
Jul 30th '15 15:44 PM
I suppose there are a number of factors. As you didn't tell us your height, I've no idea if you are actually overweight. What is your waist measurement? I believe that is a better measure of health for men. Maybe you are burning fat with cardio but increasing muscle mass with weights. 1500 calories is not a lot for a man. Are you including everything, especially alcohol? Maybe you could try increasing your protein intake and lowering the fat. Sorry that I can't be more helpful.
Aug 3rd '15 01:24 AM
Hi Skooldaze, the calorie in and out thing is a nice guideline but the whole system is much more complex. Its often the case that people eat too few calories. This tells the bodys survival system that food is scarce and not to deplete the fat stores so it crashes your metabolism. This is only based on what have seen people posting in the past. Stimulate your metabolism with things like green tea and make sure get good sleep possibly up calories a bit.
The other is that if you are quite fit you probably have a large glycemic store built through your training. This means that it will be hard to exhaust it and get a good fat burn going. Try doing exercise first thing upon waking up before food. Remember to hydrate though. Big glass of water before bed and another on waking.
Hope some of that is helpful. You must be pretty disciplined to stick to your current regime for so long. Probably is just one or two little adjustments needed. Good luck.
Aug 3rd '15 16:42 PM
Hey skooldzae,

Welcome to Social Slimmers!

1500 may not be enough. I have a problem with eating ... I'm bad for not eating enough and have been following a food plan from one of the PT's which for me as a woman is around 1400/1500 caories a day. When I was eating 1200 calories I wasn't seeing results, it's really opened my eyes.

How frequently are you lifting weights and doing cardio? Do you only measure on the scales?

I would consider lowering carbs every 1-2 days and higher protein!