I need to get back on it!

Jul 8th '13 20:47 PM
I've been totally off plan for the last couple of weeks and it's showing crisps, chocolate, take aways, I've been having it all!

I was doing well today, til the crisps came out at my mums! And I've just had a huge bowl of pasta. I've been drinking loads of water though, which hopefully counteracts it a little?!

I need to get a grip of it though, but dint know whether to just do calorie counting or give sw/ww a whirl?!
Jul 8th '13 20:59 PM
I was the same hun WW was giving me too much rope and I was eating crap (and feeling it!) So for structure I'm back with SW xx
Jul 8th '13 21:24 PM
I'm eating a bag of crisps now got to stop!
Jul 9th '13 11:35 AM
lol i'm the same. the weather is so nice I just want to sit in the sun with a glass of wine and munchies. I'm terrible with pasta (salad) too, pretzels and dry roasted nuts. been trying to snack on ryvias instead. think I'm slowly getting a taste for them but problem is having peanut butter on them doesn't make them much healthier
Jul 9th '13 13:24 PM
peanut butter's good for you. Kind of! I'm a nightmare for crisps, if they're not in the house I'm fine, but I just can't resist them! I've had 2 bags today already which is actually quite good for me, cos I've been known (on too many occasions) to sit and eat a whole multipack!

This weather brings out my inner alcoholic too, I did wonder yesterday if it was acceptable to have a bottle of bud with my lunch! May have had a small gin and tonic after the school run with my dad
Jul 9th '13 13:41 PM
I'm totally the same! I could blame the sun, but I've been like this for the last few months! I start the day with good intentions, get hungry and eat crap!
Jul 9th '13 14:10 PM
That's exactly what I'm like! I need to buy some healthy snacks, it's just too easy to pick up crap when you're hungry! Plus I always leave it til I'm starving to get something and get dead stroppy when I'm hungry so just grab whatever's quickest!
Jul 10th '13 20:37 PM
Ive noticed a lot of people struggling this last month, myself included. Hope you manage to get back on track soon! x
Jul 10th '13 21:15 PM
I dunno what it is about this month! I think tbh for me it's that my holiday was my major aim, then I came back and wanted to shift the weight I'd put on whilst there and now it's like, well now what?! Need to book another holiday
Jul 11th '13 09:47 AM
I know what you mean about needing a goal to motivate you. I got really close to my goal weight and then went totally off track as I felt I didn't have anything to aim for now

I guess you'll just have to get another holiday booked!