
Dec 20th '14 15:07 PM
I have failed miserably with most diets I've tried. In the New Year, I'm thinking about asking a close friend to diet with me so we can be accountable to each other. Maybe that will keep me on track. Anyone else here dieted with a buddy?
Dec 21st '14 11:03 AM
That sounds like a good idea. I have never dieted with a friend before, but I can definitely see how the accountability would be very helpful and motivating.

Good luck!

Dec 23rd '14 00:57 AM
I think that is a great idea. I always tend to do better when I am dieting with other people. Don't just stop at dieting though. Work out together too. Keep each other going! You won't want to skip the workout if someone is counting on you.
Jan 4th '15 09:34 AM
Yes, I really think it is a great idea to have a diet buddy. 2 weeks before Christmas, 2 friends and I followed a diet for a week all together. We created a group on Whatsapp and kept texting each other to check if we're doing alright. It's a good way to stay motivated.
Jan 4th '15 15:21 PM
tbh that's why I'm back here I don't have anyone to do that with so I'm looking for dieting buddies here
Jan 10th '15 11:16 AM
I've gone on a diet with a friend before but honestly, it made me too competitive. It kind of put a damper on our friendship because I'd be jealous of her when she'd lose more weight than me, and she'd be jealous of me when I'd lose more weight than her.
Jan 21st '15 00:46 AM
I have and it works if you're competitive. However, both of you should have the same commitment since if one of you drops out or does much better then it's bad.