Please share your experience

Sep 24th '14 09:17 AM
Hello I'm Shirley from Houston, Texas.

Some of my friend has 109kg and her age is just 25 years, she wants to loss her weight. Please share your experience which excersice and diets for her ?

Nov 14th '14 12:02 PM
Hi Shirley from Houston,
noticed no one had responded so thought I would. Guess its hard to recommend diet / exercise plans for someone as there is no real one size fits all solution.
My advice for your friend is to start by doing many little changes. In that way there is less resistance to introducing them. For example make a list of favorite foods and find healthier versions rather than looking to cut things out. Yes there really are healthy chocolate cake recipes out there If your choice is between a 600 calorie piece of cake and a salad, unless you have some motivating health problem to force the issue, is always going to be difficult. Make it a choice between a 600 cal cake and a 250 cal cake is less a challenge. Its the long term effect that counts same with exercise.
Look for local social exercise clubs. I am fortunate and live in a quiet area with lots of nearby woodlands and canals so we have a lot of walking clubs. Is a great thing for getting family involved in. Becoming part of a group means you are more likely to stick with the activity. If time is an issue look for small ways to incorporate exercise. I try to go for a short walk on my lunch break at work. Stick some funky music on while doing household chores and boogie about etc These wont give a fast weight loss but over time they are easy way forward and a good starting point.
In terms of fast diets I've not tried the clubs but there are plenty post on the board detailing what to expect. Pretty much every diet works for someone somewhere guess its just what people can stick with. One major caution is to be careful of any diet where you make radical changes then at some point go back to 'normal eating'. Peoples weight is appropriate for the food they eat and lifestyle they live and without changing these a lot of people regain any weight lost.
Dec 4th '14 20:34 PM
I can suggest to your friend one thing - to change the life style.
It's important to understand that the only reason she weighs 109kg is herself and nothing else. By that I mean perception of her, life and all other in general.
I am not trying to accuse or anything, no! not at all! All I'm trying to say that it's important to take full responsibility for such situation and understand that only her can change that. There's no reason to wait for magic pill or hope that someone else make her lose weight.

After that - exercises and diet. By diet I don't mean to cut all the "sweets" and eat only boiled vegetables. By diet I mean to analyze what she is eating now (she can even write down every single peace of meal for a week to make it clear for herself) and adjust it to reduce the calories. It has to be done gradually!! If she is consuming, let's say 4000 calories a day, and tomorrow she will cut all the "crap" (pardon me) and will be consuming only 2000k calories, it's quite dangerous for her health. So no rush.

How to make the diet plan, there is no single answer for that. If she is determined enough, she can find info on the internet, how to calculate daily calory consumption, as well as proportion among protein/carbs/fat. Then look up the stats of popular products and make a diet plan. But the easiest way of course to visit a nutritionist.

As to exercises, you she can start exercising at home first, like squats, push ups (and don't tell me that push ups for men! women's hanging triceps "wings" do not look sexy). Take care with running though. It's not that good for a starter. Better walking, increasing distance and speed gradually. Cycling is good also.

Later on gym and strength program will be good for both to shape up and lose weight more efficiently.