Does coffee really make a difference?

Jul 28th '14 00:35 AM
I've been struggling with tamping my hunger down, and usually my go-to for keeping my appetite at bay is coffee. I can't seem to handle coffee anymore, though, and I'm wondering if something else with caffeine would fill the gap.
Jul 28th '14 09:08 AM
Jul 28th '14 18:54 PM
I use caffeine a lot in the mornings to stop hunger and get more energy. But green tea also helps to fill a gap and is good for you too
Jul 29th '14 00:20 AM
Since I am a coffee addict, I cannot stop drinking coffee. I just love it too much but that doesn't mean that I can't drink a lot of water as well. I like to drink about 3 water bottles a day to keep hydrated.
Jul 29th '14 16:29 PM
Green tea is fantastic for you and I drank a LOT of it when I first started to lose weight years ago. When I quit coffee, I lost 10 pounds almost immediately, just from the lack of cream and sugar (which is what makes coffee yummy for me!). I substituted green tea and at first it was rather hideous! But the awesome thing about green tea is that it has a similar (but more like a time-released) caffeine that really kept me from getting cranky from having quit coffee. And I didn't get headaches like previous times I had tried to quit coffee.
Jul 29th '14 17:03 PM
I heard water can help with hunger too. I have tried caffeine tablets before but I didn't find they helped.
Jul 30th '14 15:59 PM
Oh please, please, please stay away from caffeine tablets. I read the most horrible story about a young boy who OD'd on caffeine powder. It is very dangerous.

If you are finding caffeine makes you jittery, try a half & half combo of caffeinated and decaf. You are still getting some caffeine but not as much.
Jul 30th '14 18:14 PM
To be fair, coffee is not the worst (even though I don't drink it), what is bad is all the things we put into the coffee. Today my husband had a full physical and the doctor told him he could have coffee, but only if it was simple (black and nothing added), needless to say he skipped it figuring if it is black only it would be ruined.
Jul 30th '14 19:43 PM
Yeah I agree caffeine pills are no good. They can cause heart palpitations etc and put a lot of strain on the body. My husband does night shift every three weeks and his workmates use caffeine pills to get through the night, but he tries to stick to coffee only as he doesn't want any adverse affects off the caffeine pills.

Jul 30th '14 20:11 PM
Diet pills were never an option for me because of all the guarana and caffeine. I tried a diet pill once. Never again! I thought I was going to die!

I think I might stick to the tea route. I'm already a pretty big tea drinker, it's not too hard to work a little more in.