14 Fad Diets You Should Never Try

Jul 26th '14 13:16 PM
This article came out a couple days ago. They list fourteen diets you should never go on and the reasons why. I have never heard of some of these. Are people really eating cotton balls? Holy cow! And tapeworms... disgusting! It is definitely an interesting article.

14 Fad Diets You Should Never Try
Jul 26th '14 13:42 PM
I read this recently but can't remember where! I can't believe some of the things people will try! Tapeworms makes me feel sick! And cotton wool balls. It's so dangerous!
Jul 28th '14 12:27 PM
Cotton balls and tape worms? What in the world is wrong with people?

I had a friend who was on that HCG diet where she had to give herself injections. The food she was allowed to eat was so strict and limited. I tried to tell her that she'd lose the same amount on any starvation diet and the injections had nothing to do with that. It was very expensive. She learned the hard way that the diet was impossible to stick with and by then she was out a lot of money.
Jul 29th '14 21:42 PM
Cotton balls, wow that's the stupidest thing I've heard of, well 1 or 2 more could join the list!!!!!