How willing are you to try new foods?

Jul 18th '14 17:06 PM
I would say that I am pretty open to trying new foods and at least giving them a chance. I know there are some people that stick to the same shopping list all the time. They know what they like so they are happy staying with that. There is nothing wrong with that. I am just wondering how adventurous everyone is when it comes to food.

I like variety but I also hate buying stuff and finding out I don't like it. I guess I would say I am semi-adventurous. There are things I will not eat. I won't try raw sushi, but I will eat the cooked type.
Jul 18th '14 18:19 PM
I am pretty adventurous when it comes to trying new things. I don't know if I am that picky. I know what I don't like and if I haven't heard of something I make sure it doesn't look or taste like the things I can't stand.
Jul 18th '14 18:28 PM
I am not overly adventurous but I will try new stuff. I read something a bit back that talked about how when you are raised eating things that are bad for you, it is sometimes really hard to break the habit. I have that issue with macaroni and cheese. I would rather deal with instant than make my own.
Jul 18th '14 20:59 PM
I am very adventurous with trying new foods. Last year i heard pigs liver was good for you and I bought some, but the smell as I was cooking it. Omg *pukes* I just couldn't eat it (or anything else!) and ended up giving it to the dog who loved it. So I failed with that one! But most things I will eat and love!

Jul 19th '14 14:09 PM
That sounds about as awful as I found the smell of pig's feet to be. Years ago, someone tried to get me to eat pig's feet. I think it was my grandmother. Just the smell of them boiling and the gelatinous goo surrounding them was enough for me. No, thank you!

Jul 19th '14 14:54 PM
Ooh, yuck! That sounds horrible!
Jul 19th '14 23:20 PM
I love to try new foods! My only problem is that the food has to get past my nose. If it smells horrible, I won't try it. I have plugged my nose a few times just to get the food into my mouth.

My kids are a lot like me. They love trying new things. I like to eat at buffet restaurants for that reason alone. You can try new things and then if you don't like them, just get something else.
Jul 19th '14 23:31 PM
My husband is a chef so I am kind of forced to be adventurous. He tries out new recipes for the restaurant at home and uses us as guinea pigs. Most of the time he is working with pretty "normal" ingredients though.
Jul 20th '14 08:14 AM
Quote by shaniaslim:
My husband is a chef so I am kind of forced to be adventurous. He tries out new recipes for the restaurant at home and uses us as guinea pigs. Most of the time he is working with pretty "normal" ingredients though.
Wow, that sounds great! I would totally love that!