Feeling a little lost ...

May 20th '14 16:13 PM
I am feeling lost what I want to do next all I know is I'm not where I want to be if it be a couple of lbs, an inch, the Mummy tummy or what!

I'd like to improve the Mummy tummy, be a next size down (I am between 10-12) that is all I know and some more noticeable working out on my arms, thighs and butt!

I've been doing all the running for the 10k and although I have now brought myself back from the gain I had a while back things don't seem to be fitting the same #confused

After Christmas people told me to stop and I did for s short time 'slow down' I think it was a big mistake (you may remember I posted about it), why do I need too? I don't know what was so alarming, I'd just reached a 10 (in some), I'm bigger on top (12) so I don't think I'd gone too far

This probably makes no sense but my mind is boggled with what and how now and I needed to slam it out somewhere ha!
May 20th '14 16:45 PM
It can be hard to know what to do for the best sometimes. It's good that you started listening to yourself and what you want through, rather than what other people tell you to do. Maybe set yourself a new goal and take it from there with different types of exercises
May 22nd '14 17:07 PM
Do what makes you feel happy wobbles! Whatever is next good luck
May 23rd '14 10:46 AM
I agree, do what makes you happy!! If that means dropping another size, or even just training for the pure hell of it it's your choice. It's not causing you any harm, you're doing it all in the right and healthy way so dot listen to others saying you've gone too far - even though they might mean well! Do what's best for you

May 26th '14 21:36 PM
See how I go now I think, I have a new gym workout and I'm really excited about it mostly focused on arms and core!