Drinking enough water

Apr 27th '14 03:49 AM
The recommended amount of water is eight glasses a day. I struggle with this so much. I know drinking more water would help me feel fuller and would help stave off hunger, but I just get so bored with it! What do you guys do to break it up?
Apr 27th '14 09:25 AM
Quote by Poppy:
The recommended amount of water is eight glasses a day. I struggle with this so much. I know drinking more water would help me feel fuller and would help stave off hunger, but I just get so bored with it! What do you guys do to break it up?
I am NOT a water person, I can really identify with this. I struggle just to get in about 4 cups a day. I try to get some flavored waters sometimes just to make me want to drink more, but water is just unappealing to me.
Apr 30th '14 01:21 AM
I've heard there are lots of things you can add to water--Mio, etc--but that doesn't hold much appeal. I'd rather just drink home-brewed tea without sugar. Nowhere near as bad for you as the sugary stuff, right?
Apr 30th '14 09:54 AM
I've been doing a lot better since I put a 2 litre bottle in the fridge every day and make my way through it gradually with a small glass at a time. I used to think I couldn't drink that much but it's been surprisingly easy and this way I am keeping track of it (I put a big label on it saying MUM's WATER to keep the family off it hehe)
Apr 30th '14 16:57 PM
I love icy cold water. I keep a gallon sized container (almost 4 liters) of it in the fridge and drink half of that by the end of the day. Besides that, I drink a few cups of coffee in the morning and have tea in the evening. I also love iced tea. Sometimes I think I am going to float away.
Apr 30th '14 19:21 PM
I try to keep a water bottle next to me and sip it and refill throughout the day. I also take one out with me too

May 1st '14 03:32 AM
I wonder if the trick could be to just keep water available along with my tea. Like, have a sip of tea here, a sip of water there, and break it up like that so it's a bit easier. I am thirsty almost all the time, so it shouldn't be as hard. I just have to trick myself into liking it!
May 1st '14 13:48 PM
Good plan Poppy. I love water so I don't have to trick myself to drink it. I always have water with me. I take bottled water everywhere. I even have a big water glass at my desk during work. I think the key to drinking enough water is to start early. I start right off with water every day.
May 1st '14 15:31 PM
Me too. I love water. It seems to be the only thing that quenches my thirst. I sort of listen to my body. If I am thirsty, I drink. If I feel hungry, I drink water first and if I am still hungry then I will eat something. It really does help fill you up.
May 2nd '14 13:08 PM
I love water in any shape I drink a lot of water every day about 2-3 l water per day and feel so good and I don`t have trouble with weight