Decided I might try the 5:2

Jun 17th '13 15:50 PM
So starting from today i'm on the 5:2 diet!

Mondays and Thurs/Fri are gonna be my fast days, and i'll still be good the other days (aiming for 1400 cals the rest of the time)

So far today I've had a chicken salad which came to 198 cals, so that leaves me 300 for tea - simples!

I'm scared lol!
Jun 17th '13 16:53 PM
Good luck!!
Jun 17th '13 17:34 PM
Good luck! I wana see if it really works lol
Jun 17th '13 17:52 PM
Good luck! I like the idea of the diet, but i couldnt control my non fast days and id eat2000+ cals!
Jun 20th '13 14:19 PM
Good luck! I couldn't do this this because of my coffees!
Jun 20th '13 20:16 PM
Oh hello thread! I lost you
Was supposed to do my second fast yday but I ended up going over by too much so done it today instead and I've been so good!

Going okay so far, feel really motivated and I'm loving the recipes that were in last weekend's Daily Mirror, they're sooo tasty. I'm finding it easier than I thought I would, only because I keep telling myself "I can have that tomorrow", so it's not like I'm depriving myself iykwim?

So far this week when I've jumped on my own scales I'm down about 1-2lbs already, but my scales are wrong anyway so we'll see on Saturday! I also have one more gym session to fit in tomorrow, I'm so determined to lose 3lbs this week lol.

I have to say tho, I don't half see a difference the day after my fast day, I tend to have low carb & high protein and my stomach seems "flatter" (I by no means have a flat stomach ) the next day. I really should cut out carbs altogether, they don't seem to agree with me.

Just dying to see what happens this week on the scales

Jun 20th '13 20:17 PM
Wobbs you can have black coffee?

Jun 20th '13 20:51 PM
Is it Saturday yet?! I'm desperate to see how you've got on! Sounds like you're doing fab though, I wish I had your willpower!
Jun 20th '13 20:53 PM
I'm desperate too!! I keep thinking it's Friday, URRGHH.

I'm quite pleased at my willpower so far, just hope I can keep it up
Jun 20th '13 21:01 PM
Once you've done the first couple of days it should be easier! And like you said, you can just say to yourself you'll have it tomorrow! I used to save things up til the weekend and have a treat then, but I couldn't hack it *blush*