Dieting "must haves"

Mar 3rd '14 16:20 PM
What are some of your "go to" foods that you must have in the cupboards or fridge?

For me, it's yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, and salad veggies. I never seem to get tired of them. I also like to keep something crunchy in the cupboards for snacking, like nuts, sunflower seeds, or dried wasabi peas.

If I have these things on hand I am less likely to cheat.
Mar 3rd '14 17:41 PM
Cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, fruit and veg!
Mar 4th '14 16:38 PM
Oh, sweet potatoes! Yes, that is a good one. I like to have those around too. So tasty and easy to make. I throw them in the microwave and eat them plain with just a little salt. Much healthier than an ordinary potato.
Mar 4th '14 20:06 PM
Yes, they are much healthier! I love them mashed!
Mar 6th '14 00:33 AM
always have nuts and a protein bar type
Mar 6th '14 02:48 AM
I have yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit and fresh veggies. I also always have peanut butter and crackers. Pretzels are also a must in my house! I love salty foods!